Berza László: Budapest története képekben 1493-1980 - Képkatalógus 1. kötet (1-31978. tétel, 1982)


25 The work of the collection and the research is not finished with starting this picture collection on its way. The data of the pictures showing the life and the development of the Capital will appear in the Budapest Bibliographiees to be published continuously from 1981 on yearly, containing the bibliographical description of the related printed documents and texts. The thematics and the systems will fit the volumes issued now, form­ing and organical unit with them, as a constantly renewing and expanding source for the benefit of the resear­ching and the users of the pictorial presentations of Budapest. Certainly there exist errors in the picture catalogue, wose correction would have exceeded the capacity of the redactors. Nevertheless we issue our publication in the conviction that it will be of assistance to the work of all those, who are interested in the past of our Capital.

