Főiskolától egyetemig. Dokumentumok a felsőbb színtű kertészképzés történetéből II. 1945-1953 - A Kertészeti és Élelmiszeripari Egyetem Központi Könyvtárának Kiadványai 2. (Budapest, 1996)


Summary From a College to an University Documents of History of University-level Training of Horticulture Engineers between 1945-1953. II. The Archives of the Central Library of the University of Horticulture and Food helps researches into the history of the University with historial-source-publications. The first issue was published for the centenary of the horticultural higher education in 1995 and it reports selections from the archiv sources from a period between 1894-1944. In 1853 the Hungarian horticultural education started in the private school, founded by Ferenc Entz, which was the first legal predecessor of the University. After several reorganizations the name of the school changed to Horticultural Academy in 1939, to College of Horticulture and Viticulture. It suffered serious losses during war between 1944 and 1945. In 1945 all the agricultural higher institutes were fused into an organizational frame (unit) under the control of the Ministry of Agriculture. Between 1945-1953 the College of Horticulture and Viticulture became the Horticulture and Viticulture Faculty of the University of Agriculture Science. The Institute continued the horticultural education with 14 departments in spite of the radical social, economic and the political changes. In this process the „University reform” of 1948 and the reform series of the universities induced many-sided changes. Entrance examination was introduced; teaching staff, structure of subjects, curriculum and time-tables were reorganized. The ideological education and the practical work according to requirements of the plan-economy became important. This publication reports selections from materials of the Gödöllő University of Agriculture Science, of the Oral History Archívum of the 1956 Institute and of the Archives of the University of Horticulture and Food. The published documents are reports of the council of the University and the departments, correspondence with the current supervisory authority, contemporary articles and manuscripts, as well an interview of a walk of life. 130

