Pécs és Baranya 1956-ban - Baranyai történelmi közlemények 3. A Baranya Megyei Levéltár Évkönyve 2008 (BML, 2008)


since participated in the organization of the Independent Small-Holders' Party. On the 31th of October he was elected one of the co-presidents of the reshuffled small-holders' party of Baranya county. He travelled from Pécs to Budapest as the partner of Béla Kovács elected secretary-general of the small-holders' party, again. There he contributed to the organization of the Hungarian Peasants' Association in the center of the party. Following that, the author describes the document legacy associated with the revolution of 1956, then, as an enclosure, he publishes the most characteristic materials of 1956 related to the document collection of the politician, which is filed in the Archives of Baranya County. Among these, there can be found his spe ech given at the reburial of martyr politician Attila Szigethy. In the end, his documents, memoirs, manuscripts, diary passages, autobiographical and other works of his activities carried aut as a member and functionary of the Independent Small-Holders' Party in a detailed document note. Ferenc Tegzes: Symbols in 1956— symbols of 1956 The author aims at the presentation of the fact what role the symbols of the revolution of 1956 played, by means of which revolutionaries brought their sense of belonging to the Hungarian homeland to the notice of the state authority. The author analyses the concept of symbol and then classifies objectized and intellectual symbols used in the revolution. Among the previous alles does he classify the national flag, the holey national flag, the Kossuth Coat of Arms and flag, as well as the use of the national colour as an arm-band, to the wreath, and as a cockade, by way of heading of newspapers, and placards, among the previous alles. He classifies the National Anthem, the National Song, as well as the oath, the Summons (Szózat), tolling, songs of 1848, and the Székely Anthem among intellectual symbols. His dissertation is based upon document communications, studies appearing in publications of 1956, websites of the Internet on the issue. He analyses in detailes the history of the symbols listed, the legislative location of their origin, creation. On the other hand, he gives plenty of examples for the first appearance, the ways of presence of the symbols of the revolution from 23 October 1956 to the first week of December of the year mentioned, within separate sub-chapters concerning Budapest and the provinces in case of every single symbol. As to the provinces, he gives examples from localities of various areas of the country ranging from Pécs and Sopron through Dunafőldvár and Szolnok to Debrecen, by means of the extensive use of bibliography on national and local history. The author dedicates a separate chapter to different functions of the use of the symbols. According to him, these were, for example, the humiliation of the party-state functionaries, and the honour of war heros.

