Pécs és Baranya 1956-ban - Baranyai történelmi közlemények 3. A Baranya Megyei Levéltár Évkönyve 2008 (BML, 2008)


Diary of Mrs. Zoltánné Péterfia (portions) The teacher of Pécs was writing a diary in the days of the revolution and during the Kádár Government. He wrote picturesque memoirs of the Pécs connected results and persons of the revolution. The documents of Zoltán Péterfia, dr. László Jéki, dr. Alajos Degré, dr. Gyula Gál Zoltán Péterfia a freshman law student spent some days on the Mecsek Hills after the defeat of the revolution, for this reason he was under public security custody, later under police supervision, expeled from university and it was not allowed for him to finish the law faculty. We publish his poems wich were wrote during the revolution and the documents and letters, wich are memories of his fate. We publish documents connected with the participants of the revolution of 1956 in the form of publication of sources. Dr. László Jéki was a student of Pécs in the course of the revolution. Since being an inhabitant living in Somogy-Vasas he preserved the documents of the time, thus leaflets both inviting to the strike as well as those ones dissuading from the strike by the Kádár-régime. Dr. Alajos Degré and dr. Gyula Gál were lecturers in the department of Political Science and Law of University of Pécs on the days of the revolution. Dr. Degré was elected teacher commander of one of the university battalions. He was dismissed on the basis of a disciplinary decision made by the leadership of the university following the repression of the revolution. Later he became the colleague of the Archives of Szolnok and, after that, the colleague and then the director of the Archives of Zala County. As an assistant lecturer, dr. Gyula Gál supported revolutionary students during the revolution. As a result of this, he had to leave the University of Pécs due to a disciplinary decision. Later, he excelled as a professor of space law, with an international reputation. We publish the documents connected with the dismissal and disciplinary decisions in case of both exlecturers.

