Prékopa Ágnes (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 32. (Budapest, 2018)
Miklós GÁLOS: An Antonio Tempesta Rediscovered in the Collection of the Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest
5. Antonio Tempesta: The Crossing of the Red Sea, oil on lapis laiuli, Budapest, Museum of Applied Arts. Condition in which it was discovered (verso) 6. The support with its plaster additions, photo: Agnes Kuna granates, rosettes, and ribbon and bouquet decorations. (Figs. 3-4) The subject of the painting was immediately apparent: a multi-figural depiction of the Israelites Crossing the Red Sea. (Fig. 5) The first impression was largely determined by the main figure of Moses, whose head was clumsily rendered. Yet, it was 11