Prékopa Ágnes (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 30. (Budapest, 2016)
Edit DARABOS: Altera Theca continens.A Research Into Historical Leather Cases made for Esterhazy Treasury Items
51 Covered beaker, South German workshop, 1645, inv. no: E. 66.2, In: Szilágyi 2014, cat. V.12., the case is held in Forchtenstein. 52 Jewelled canister, second half of 17th century, Augsburg, Christoph Jordan, inv. no: E 65.80, Szilágyi 2014, cat. 1.28. Its case is held in Forchtenstein. Photography by Antal Weinwurm: Museum of Applied Arts, Archive FLT 2277. 53 Inv. no: E 60.13, In: Szilágyi 2014, cat. 1.18., inv. no. case: Et 17/23/38. 54 Several leather cases from Grünes Gewölbe were published in the 1930s. Kantzsch, Martin von: ‘Lederarbeiten des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts am Sächsischen Hof.’ Archiv für Buchbinderei, Zeitschift für Einbandkunst, 1932, XXXII. 7, 59-63. I extend my gratitude to Theresa Witting of Grünes Gewölbe for providing me further literature. 55 Tankard with allegorical figures, c. 1670-1674, II 29 and E 221, Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden. 56 Nephrite vessel: V 460 and E 163, Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden.. 57 Basin: ivory, E 88.1, South German, end of 17th century, case kept in Forchtenstein. 58 Canister with Apollo and the Muses, inv. no: II 389, c. 1660, ivory carving: Johann Heinrich Hurd ter, (probably) workshop of David Hechler, Ulm, metal mounting: workshop of Johann Baptist I Weinet, Augsburg. Case: E 250, Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden. 59 The case bears a label that reads Lapis Lázári. A case - almost identical in form to this piece, though without an associated treasury item - belonging to the Augsburg group is held in Forchtenstein. 60 Inv. no: Skokloster Slott 371, 372. In: Silver och smycken pa Skokloster. Stockholm, 1995, p. 80.1 send my thanks to Ann Hällstrom for her help in identifying the object. 61 Covered cup, smoky quartz, inv. no: Ej 311, German, 17th century, case kept in Forchtenstein. 62 Tankard with the Wise and Foolish Virgins, II 339 and E 220, carving: Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden In: Syndram, Dirk - Kappel, Jutta - Weinhold, Ulrike: The Historie Grünes Gewölbe at Dresden. Dresden, 2014, p. 61. 63 Whilst some researchers regard it as coming from Ferenc Nádasdy’s appropriated treasury, it is important to note that cases both for the Triumph of Bacchus centrepiece — Második ládában 10. Az 6. Almariomban lévő köves Bacchus szekerének az tokja No. 1. [In the second crate 10. Case No. 1 for the stone Bacchus chariot in Almárium 6.] - and for the two ornamental ostrich-egg vessels - Első ládában 1. Két struezmadárhoz való bőrtok, mely struezmadarak vannak Almariom lmo No. 4. [In the first crate 1. Leather case for two ostrich birds, which birds are in Almárium lmo No. 4.] (see footnote 32) - were included in the 1669 inventory of Ferenc Nádasdy’s treasury in Sárvár. Likewise, a hexagonal Lapis Lazuli vessel also had a leather case: Első ládában, 24. Kék Lapis Lázári kőpalackhoz való tok almariom 9, No. 13. [In the first crate, 24. Case for a blue Lapis Lázári stone flask, almárium 9, No. 13.]. In the specified place there is one hexagonal vessel: Almariom No 9, Közép polcon: 13. Egy kék Lapis Lázári kőből csinált 6. szegletü palaczk. [Rubbings No. 9, Middle shelf: 13. A 6-angled flask made from blue Lapis Lazari stone.] Transcriptions by Sándor Takáts. Central Archives of the Hungarian Province of the Piarist Order, Bequest of Sándor Takáts: TS box 12. 64 Garnet beaker, Hans Jacob Mair (mastermark: 1670-1674) and case, inv. no: V 8 and E 121, Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden. 65 The motif appeared in France around 1620: it became popular and extremely widespread in Germanophone areas and Scandinavian states from the second half of the 17th century. In: Mazal, Otto: Elemente des Buch- und Bibliothekswesens Band 16. Wiesbaden, 1997, pp. 251-264. 66 Swan-shaped centrepiece, German (?), mid-third of 17th century, inv.: E 65.86, case: 51.100 In: Szilágyi 2014, cat. no. V.21. 50