Prékopa Ágnes (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 30. (Budapest, 2016)

Edit DARABOS: Altera Theca continens.A Research Into Historical Leather Cases made for Esterhazy Treasury Items

5. Case for a rhinoceros horn covered cup (on the right). Photograph by Antal Weinwurm, taken at the Historical Section of the National Millennium Exhibition of 1896, cup inv. no: Ej. 206. The case is kept in Forchtenstein Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, Archive, FLT2236 queen in the autumn of 1714 - itemises thirty-six objects.23 At the end of an inven­tory dated 21 August 1714 is an object identified as a Jewelled cup,1* for which a case was specially made for this occasion, presumably commissioned from a local master: Item ein Pun goldener Pacher auf eines Frosch arten gemacht, zu welchen die gnädigiete Fürstin ein Fuederl machen hat lassen.25 Invoices and contracts issued between 1661 and 1666 which also mention cases do not allow us to draw conclusions about the persons who produced the cases, but do give us insight into how the work was com­missioned. The name of Georg Fleischhack- her [Fleischhacker fl678] diener und hoffjubellier features on several docu­ments.26 According to an account dated 2 May 1661, the sum of 1 fl [i.e. Forint] 12 was paid to a joiner for the manufacture of a frame and a case: Dem tischler vor die Rahmb undt Futral vergulten lasßen kost.27 Issued in Vienna by the same agent on 20 November 1665, another bill also lists ob­jects made in Augsburg: a gilt silver schreib tisch (a desk or cupboard containing draw­ers), an ostrich-egg object mounted in sil­ver, and two porcelain cups. Cases were al­so produced for these items: vier Fuetrall dar zue machen lassen Costenfl 14 :15 Vi.28 In a contract signed in Vienna on 4 Decem­ber 1665, Balthasar Zinli, a metalworker from Augsburg, agreed to make an orna­ment from rock crystal and two shell­shaped bowls from jasper. Although cases were ordered for the ornament and for one of the bowls, a case for the second - pre­sumably very similar - cup was specifically not requested: 1 Schnoeckhen von Christall in Fueterall, 1 Muschel von grien orientali­schen Jaspiß in fueteral, 1 dito roten von orientalischen Jaspiß ohne Fueter.29 34

