Prékopa Ágnes (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 30. (Budapest, 2016)

Edit DARABOS: Altera Theca continens.A Research Into Historical Leather Cases made for Esterhazy Treasury Items

1. Assorted fragments of the case for a turned and carved ivory tankard (inv. no: Ej 187, Vienna, early 18th century?), before restoration (case inv. no: Et 9/20). Photo by Edit Darabos contained, or whether they deserve our at­tention merely as an interesting group of artefacts, in the infrequently studied cate­gory of historical leather objects.8 There are few objects whose history and change of ownership can be traced from the earliest known inventories until the beginning of the eighteenth century, that is, until the treasury ceased its expan­sion. The Covered cup with the allegory of Prudential appears, together with its case, in the inventory taken in 1609 for the treasury of Rudolf II, Holy Roman Em­peror. (Figs. 3-4) Its description indicates that it entered the treasury together with its original case: Des Bezolts von Nürnberg schon groß perlenmutterschneggengeschirr in vergultem schwartzen futral A°1609.'° 2. The tankard case after restoration 30

