Szilágyi András (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 26. (Budapest, 2008)

Ildikó PANDUR: Variations on a Sculpture. Questions and Answers Concerning the 'Ironworker' Sculpture Formerly in the Jungfer Collection

Chazelles 25. Only in 1885 was it despatched to New York. Its 350 parts were shipped across the Atlantic in 214 crates. 10 Financial constraints and the fact that the work would be sent by ship may have influenced the choice of the technique to be employed. 11 'Miscellaneous News. Church Embellishments. Budapest's Ferencváros Church, which will be conse­crated on 24 April (the silver wedding anniversary of the royal couple), will be fully ready in a short while. The magnificent carved main gate was made by the artist-smith Gyula Jungfer. He made this fine work for the Paris World Exposition, where it won a prize.' In: Magyar Műipar 1879, I, no. 2, p. 15. 12 For the repoussé technique see Edvi 1912, pp. 19-21; Pereházy 1992, p. 52. 13 Budapest Museum of Applied Arts, inv. no. 2006.122. 14 Budapest Museum of Applied Arts, inv. no. 65.198. 15 Pereházy, Károly: 'A Jungfer család mestersége - művészete' [The Craft and Art of the Jungfer Family] .In : Mesterség - művészet - ipar. A „fémmunkás " Vállalat Ferencvárosi Gyárának monográfiája [Craft ­Art - Industry. Monograph on the 'Metalworker' Company's Ferencváros Factory]. Budapest, 1986, pp. 9-98 (Pereházy 1986a), pp. 61-2; Pereházy, Károly: Stílus és technika a kovácsoltvas-művességben [Style and Technique in Wrought-iron WorkJ. Budapest, 1986 (Pereházy 1986b), p. 224. 16 Archive of the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts (hereinafter ABMAA) Sign. 823/1951, Géza Dáni's letter concerning the delivery of the Hebe statue (actually a cast-iron copy of the Medici Venus, Budapest Museum ol Applied Arts, inv. no. 62.2005) brought to the Jungfer premises for repair. 17 Its place of keeping since 1956 has been Kassa's Slovenské Technické Múzeum (Kosice, Slovakia). 18 Kerpely, Antal (id.): 'Vaskohászatunk a millen­nium idejében. 59 szövegábrával' [Iron-smelting in the Era of the Millennium]. In: Műszaki ismertetések az 1896. évi ezredéves országos kiállításról [Technical Reports on the 1896 National Millennial Exhibition]. Ed.: Edvi Illés, Aladár. Special impres­sion of the 1896 and 1897 volumes of the periodical Magyar Mérnök és Építész Egylet Közlönye. Bl- B48. Budapest, 1898. Among its illustrations: B42 (fig. 55): 'The Austro-Hungarian State Railway Company's Patent Iron Furnace at Dognácska; B48: 'Exhibition by the Royal Hungarian Iron Producers' (the statue can be seen in the middle). 19 ABMAA, Sign. FLT 5176, 5177. 20 MI 1902, p. 190; Kiss, Eva: 'La Sezione Ungherese all'Esposizione d'arte decorativa di Torino del 1902'. In: Le Arti Decorative Internazionali del Nuovo Secolo. A cura di Rossanna Bossaglia, Ezio Godoli, Marco Rosci. Torino, 1994, pp. 570-76, Nr. 521. (Photograph of the pavilion: p. 570.) 21 See Czakó, Elemér: 'A torinói kiállítás' [The Turin Exhibition], MI 1902, pp. 145-68, p. 167. 22 Horti, Pál: 'A St. Louis-i világkiállítás' [The World Exposition in St. Louis], MI 1904, pp. 249-313, p. 303. 23 Mentioned as a work by Alajos Stróbl in Henszlmann, Lilla: Stróbl Alajos. Budapest, 1955, pp. 56-8; Pereházy 1986a, p. 61; Stróbl, Mihály: A grá­nitoroszlán - Stróbl Alajos [Alajos Stróbl - Granite Lion]. Budapest, 2003, p. 14. 24 Pereházy 1992, p. 43. 25 Pereházy, Károly: 'Marton Lajos pozsonyi műlakatos' [Lajos Marton, Artist-smith at Pozsony]. Művészettörténeti Értesítő 1-4, 1989, pp. 136-41 (Pereházy 1989), p. 140. 26 Szana, Tamás: Magyar Művészek. Műtörténelmi vázlatok képekkel [Hungarian Artists. Art History Sketches with Pictures]. Budapest, 1887, p. 98; Stróbl Alajos és a szobrász mesteriskola [Alajos Stróbl and the Master School for Sculptors], Catalogue introduc­tion written by Ildikó Nagy. Budapest, 2006, (Cat. Budapest 2006), p. 60. 27 Even as early as 1896 Ede Margó was men­tioned as a pupil of Alajos Stróbl, in a catalogue pub­lished on the occasion of the National Millennial Exhibition: A képzőművészeti csoport képes tárgymutató­ja [Illustrated Register of the Works in the Fine Arts Group]. Budapest, 1896, p. 137. 28 It is owned by the Library of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. Published in: Stróbl Alajos és a szobrász mesteriskola [Alajos Stróbl and the Master School for Sculptors]. Cat. Budapest 2006, p. 14 (photographs: 23, p. 54). 29 Edvi Illés, Aladár: 'Bányászat, kohászat és fémipar' [Mining, Smelting and the Metal Industry]. In: Magyarország a párisi világkiállításon 1900 [Hungary at the Paris World Exposition of 1900]. Published by Viktor Hornyánszky, publisher, and Mór Erdélyi, photographer to the Imperial and Royal Court, with support from the Minister of Commerce, the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Religion and Education. [Budapest, 1900,] pp. 92-100 (Edvi 1900b), p. 94. Picture of the wall: p. 92. 30 Edvi 1900b, p. 97. 31 Budapest, District V, Roosevelt tér; today the Ministry of the Interior building. 1906-9. Architects: Ignác Alpár and Zsigmond Quittner (later). 32 See Malonyai, Dezső: 'Margó Ede'. In: Művé­szet 1910, pp. 164-74, p. 162. Picture: 'Bronze relief in the ceremonial courtyard of the Commercial Bank'. 33 The firm exhibited as 'Armin and Ferencz Steiner's Factory for Zinc Fancy-Work and Bronze Ware'. Founded in 1888 and equipped with 12 h.p. machines, the concern employed at this time 200 trained workers and fifty journeymen. See Az 1896­iki ezredéves országos kiállítás általános katalógusa I. [General Catalogue of the 1896 National Millennial

