Szilágyi András (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 20. (Budapest, 2001)

New Acquisitions

Lady's outfit, Hungarian, late 19 lh /early 20 lh century obliges us to extend our collection of small graphic art still more. However, our collecting strategy now differs from the one pursued ear­lier, in that quality and not quantity is in the main criterion. In the year 2000 we made purchases from many modem-day Hungarian artists who have won recognition abroad, whose work features in exhibitions, and who in many cases have been awarded prizes. Hona Kiss is an outstand­ing artist in the field of book art who began to make bookplates at the request of a Hungarian collector living in Switzerland. Sometimes she prints her works, which are full of original ideas, on textiles. She uses not only traditional symbols, but also those of the present time. The works purchased from her were: -Bookplate for Júlia Vermes, proof, 1/8 ­Anubis - Bookplate for Júlia Vermes, C8X3, IV/IV ­Scarabeus - Bookplate for Júlia Vermes, C8X3, II/II ­Scarabeus. Printed on textile -Die Sehnsucht, X 3/2, 1999. László Feszt the Younger is a graphic artist who was bom in Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca, Ro­mania) but who is currently working in Hungary. Twenty-four of the artist's works were purchased by the Museum, while the artist presented a num­ber of others. He is inspired by the colours of Oceania and the ancient art of the East, as well as by the ornamentation to be found in Hungarian art. He is a frequent participant and winner of prizes at graphic art exhibitions abroad. Róbert König is a professor at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts who has won renown pri­marily through his studies of individual horses Ilona Kiss, Ex libris for Julia Vermes Mixed media, 1998

