Szilágyi András (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 15. (Budapest, 1995)

BALLA Gabriella: „Szerelem és ármány" - Mercurius és Aglauros. A kerámia gyűjtemény egyik „istoriato" tálja

NOTES 1. Pataky-Brestyánszky, Ilona: Italienische Majoli­kakunst (Budapest, 1967). 2. Péter, Mána-Bardoly, István ed.: Renaissance and Mannerism: An Exhibition from the Collection of the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts. Exhibition Cat­alogue (Budapest, 1988), text in Volume I, illustrations in Volume II. 3. Péter, Bardoly: Cat. Nos. 69, 70, 71, 72 The present study examines only one of these four dishes (cat. no. 72), but we hope to publish another paper describing the other pieces and providing an analysis of the arms at a later date. 4. Wilson, Timothy: Ceramic Art of the Italian Re­naissance (London, 1987) 137. 5. Clifford, T. and Mallet, J. V. G.: "Battista Franco as a Designer for Maiolica", The Burlington Magazine, 118 (1976): 387-410. 6. Gere, John A.: "Taddeo Zuccaro as a Designer for Maiolica", The Burlington Magazine, 105 (1963): 306-315. 7. Gtiidotti, Carmen Ravanelli: "'Figure della Bib­bia' e del 'Metamorphoseo' di Ovidio per le istore di al­cuni capi al Museo di Faenza", Faenza, 68 (1982): 167-177, Tav. L-LVII. 8. Wilson, 44, 52, 59. 9. However, Mallet notes that abrasions, scratching and chips in the glaze on the set painted by Nicola da Urbino for Isabelle d'Esté indicate that it was also used as part of a dinner-service. Mallet, J. V. G.: "The Este-Gonzage Service ...". In: Splen­dours of the Gonzaga, eds. Chambers, D. and Martineau, J. Exh. Cat. (London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1981) 42. 10. This tin-glazed vessel painted in colours is a pale and porous earthenware dish, which was made on a wheel. Diam. 27 cm, Height 4 cm Inv. No. 4412 The dish was transferred to the collection of the Bu­dapest Museum of Applied Arts from the Antiquities Collection of the Hungarian National Museum in 1877. The Hungarian National Museum had purchased it from Franciska Krasovszky in 1872. 11. The coat of arms has been identified by Dr. Fi­cher of the Hauptsaatsarchiv, Stuttgart. Watson, Wendy M.: Italian Renaissance Maiolica from the William A. Clark Collection (Washington: The Cor­coran Gallery of Art - The Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, 1986) 183. 12. Pataky-Brestyánszky : 50. 13. Henkel, M. D.: "Illustrierte Ausgaben von Ovid's Metamorphosen im XV, XVI und XVII Jahrhundert". In: Vorträge der Bibliothek Warburg 1926-27 (Leipzig, 1930): 59-84. 14. Ovid: Metamorphoses, 2, 708-729. Translated into English by Frank Justus Miller, 1916 (London: Hci­nemann, 1956). The Latin: Hinc se sustulerat paribus caducifer alis. Munychiosque volans agros gratamque Minerváé despectabat humum cultique arbusta Lycei. ilia forte die castae de more puellae vertice supposito festas in Palladis arces pura coronatis portabant sacra canistris. inde revertentes deus adspicit ales iterque non agit in rectum, sed in orbem curvat eundem: ut volucris visis rapidissima miluus extis, dum timet et densi circumstant sacra ministri, flectitur in gyrum nec longius audet abire spemque suam motis avidus circumvolat alis, sic super Actaeas agilis Cyllenius arces inclinât cursus et easdem circinat auras, quanto splendidior quam cetera sidera fulgct Lucifer, et quanto quam Lucifer aurea Phoebe, tanto virginibus praestantior omnibus Herse ibat eratque decus pompae comitumque suarum. obstipuit forma love natus et aethere pendens non secus exarsit, quam cum Balearica plumbum funda iacit: volât illud et incandescit eundo et, quos non habuit, sub nubibus invenit ignes. Miller's translation: The god of the caduceus had taken himself hence on lev­el wings and now as he flew he was looking down upon the Munychian fields, the land that Minerva loves, and the groves of the learned Lyceum. That day chanced to be a festival of Pallas when young maidens bore to their goddess' temple mystic gifts in flower-wreathed baskets on their heads. The winged god saw them as they were returning home and directed his way towards them, not straight down but sweeping in such a curve as when the swift kite has spied the fresh-slain sacrifice, afraid to come down while the priests are crowded around the victim, and yet not venturing to go quite away, he circles around in air and on Happing wings greedily hovers over his hoped-for prey; so did the nimble Mercury fly round the Athenian hill, sweeping in circles through the same spaces of air. As Lucifer shines more brightly than all the other stars and as the golden moon outshines Lucifer, so much was Herse more lovely than all the maidens round her, the choice ornament in the solemn procession of her comrades. The son of Jove was astounded at her beauty, and hanging in mid-air he caught the flames of love; as when a leaden bullet is thrown by a Balearic sling, it flies along, is heated by its motion, and finds heat in the clouds which it had not before. 15. LA VITA ET METAMORFOSEO/D'OVIDIO. Figurato et abbreuiato in forma d'Epigrammi/da M. Gabriello Symeoni A Lione [Lyon] per Giouanni di Tornes/nella via Résina/1 559.' Széchényi National Library, Budapest. Sign.: 6368. 16. OVlDl[US Naso, Publius]: [Metamorphoseon libri XV. (Correctio Jacobus Micyllus)]

