Vadas József (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 13. (Budapest, 1993)

KOVÁCS Éva: Művesség és tudomány a középkorban. A magyar koronázási palást készítésének egy aspektusa

See Grotefend,!!.: Taschenbuch der Zeitrechnung des deutschen Mittelalters und Neuzeit, Hannover, 1922. repr. Berlin, 1986. pp.8-12. Ref. Klauser, R. - Meyer, O.: Clavis Mediaevalis, Wiesbaden, 1962. pp.18-19, 109-110, 117-124. The coronation of King Stephen is put either to 1000 or to 1001 by researchers. Ref. Bogyai,T: Stephanus Rex, Vienna, 1976. p.22; Gyó'rffy Gy.: István király és müve (King Stephen and His Achievement), Budapest, 1977. from p. 148 3 According to the Gospel by St. Luke (3,23) Jesus started teaching at the age of thirty. According to Abbot Dionysus Exiguus (525), who was still starting the year with Easter, Jesus was crucified at the age of thirty, i.e. in 31. See Hahn I.: Naptári rendszerek és időszámítás (Calendars and Computation). Budapest, 1983. pp. 103-105 4 According to an unbelievably prevailing concept the chasuble was made by the the nuns or the canonesses of the Abbey of Veszprémvölgy. 5 Kovács E: A koronázási palást pannonhalmi másolata (The Pannonhalma Copy of the Coronation Mantle). In. Művészettörténeti Értesítő (Art Historical Review), 5-1956. pp.25-26 6 Examples for ink drawing: the bottom insets of the imperial mantle (Vienna, Treasury); court workshop of Palermo, 1181. Kat. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Weltliche und Geistliche Schatzkammer, Salzburg-Wien, 1987. pp. 139-142, No. 144 (Bauer, R.) F; Dossale, Assisi (The Treasury of San Francesco); Sicily? early 13th century. Schuette, M.-Müller-Christensen, S.: Das Stickereiwerk, Tübingen, 1963. pict. 77. There are hundreds of examples from the 14th-15th centuries for coloured model drawings on linen. 7 Schuette, M. - Müller-Christensen: see above, p.17 8 Braun, J.: Die liturgische Gewandung im Occident und Orient, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1907. from p. 149 9 Kat. Sacrale Gewänder des Miltclalters, München, 1955. Müller-Christensen, S.: Das Grab des Papstes Clemens II im Dom zu Bamberg, München, 1960. Kat. Die Bemwardkasei, Eine Ausstellung der Reslaurierungwerkstatt Textilmuseum, Krefeld, without date. Wilckens, L. v. - Herrmann, H.: Catalogue item: Sog. Wolfganskasel, in: Hubel, A.: Kat. Der Regensburger Domschatz, München-Zürich, 1976. pp.237-244; llth century. The restoration of the former is described in Die neuen Werkstatten für Textilrestaurierung in Schloß Seehof, Denkmalpflege Informationen, Ausgabe B. Nr. 62/14. Dez. 1982 p.4 and the picture on pp. 8-10. Flury-Lemberg, M.: Das "Ulrichsgewand" aus dem Kloster St. Urban, In. Flury-Lemberg, M. - Stolleis, K.: Documenta textilia, Festschrift für Sigrid Müller-Christensen, München, 1981. pp.163-176 Schmedding, B.: Beobachtungen bei der Restaurierung der Kasel des heiligen Bernward von Hildesheim, ibid. pp.185-193 Fleury-Lemberg, M.: Textile Conservation and Research, Schriften der Abbeg-Stiflung, Bern, 1988. pp. 158-189, 196-207, 301-311, 452-453 10 Braun, J.: see Note 8, from p. 152. The chasuble is called infula in the first inventory of the Pannonhalma Abbey. Ref. Bischoff, B.: Mittelalterliche Schatzverzeichnisse, München, 1967. pp.57-58, No.48. 11 In 1986, I managed to see the embroidered mitre of an unknown bishop. It was found in tomb No.19 of the Cathedral of Bremen and was restored in the National Museum in Stockholm. It was sewn in the centre of the front, following the axis of a Christ figure in mandorla. Ref. Kat. Der Bremer Dom, Hefte des Focke Museums No. 49, Bremen, 1979. pp.79-80, pict. 24, colour pict. 86 12 The chasuble that was given to Pope John by the first Hungarian royal couple, was kept then damaged in the St. Arnolph Church in Metz. Though its description and illustration contradict each other, it was probably decorated with various stripes of applied gold and pearl embroideries. The stripes were sewn to the patterned chasuble later. See the description of Dom Mabillon Paris, Bib!.Nat. 11902 p. 125. On the illustration and an imprecise copy of the description see Rohault de Floury, Ch.: La messe, Études archéologiques, Vo. VII, Paris, 1888. p. 142, PI. DLCCVIII. Ref. K.B. (Ilampel J.) Emlékek és leletek, Szent István féle casula (Remnants and Findings, The Chasuble of St. Stephen). In Archaeológiai Értesítő (Archaeological Review), 1890. pp.332-333 13 Like for example on the chasuble lhat was transformed into a mantle and donated by King St. Ladislaus, on both variations (Now in the treasury of the St. Stephen's Cathedral, Zagreb). Fleury-Lemberg, M.: Textile Conservation (see Note 9), pp. 176-189 and 498, No.87. 14 Comments of Servius Vergilius, a school book. Bartoniek E.: A Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Országos Széchényi Könyvtárának címjegyzéke (The Bibliography of the National Széchényi Library of the Hungarian National Museum). Budapest, 1940. from p. 11 On Emperor Otto I see Silagi, G. - Bischoff, B.: MGH. Poetae, Tomus V. Fasc. III. pp.629-630 I would like to express my thanks to Tünde Wehli and Tamás Bogyay for their kind help given to me in the codicological analysis and in the completion of the bibliography.

