Vadas József (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 13. (Budapest, 1993)

SZILÁGYI András: Az Esterházy gyűjtemény Cupidós násfájáról

gary and presented as a gift on the occasion of their engagement in September 1618. Notes 1 "Quid si nemo exstat, qui vicerit alitis arma" Propertius, Elegies, Vol.11, 30,31. Instead of citing other references, we think it is enough to refer to two well-known pieces from the age of Mannerism, which are examples for the literary and artistic adaptation of the topic: Andrea Alciati: Emblemata. Venice, 1551. No. CXIII; Otto Vaenius: Amorum Embblemata. Antwerpen, 1608. No. 11. 2 Tervarent, G.: Attributs et symboles dans l'art profane 1450-1600. Geneve, 1958, column 32, pict. 17. 3 Pigler,A.: Barockthemen. Vol. II, Budapest, 1974, p. 251. On the romantically entertaining life of Marie de Rohan - some parts are available for readers in the famous memories of Cardinal Retz - see: Dictionnaire de Biographie Française. Red. M. Prévost. VIII. Paris, 1959. col 1113-1115. 4 Jean Dorât: Carmen XIX. 1-4 (In Nuptias Mariae Reginae Scotiae...) "Cantata nuper vis Lotharingici Mártis furores ulta Britannicos, Cantanda nunc est rursus ipsi juncta Venus Lotharinga Marti". (The deeds of the Mars of Lotharingia - who gave a lesson to the angry Britons - had already been chanted, now let us sing a carol in honour of the Venus of Lotharingia, the fiancée of Mars.) Published in Jean Dorât: Les Odes Latines. Red. G.Demerson. Clermont-Ferrand, 1979, pp.145 and 329. 5 Marssal társalkodó Murányi Vénus (Venus disputing with Mars) /1664/. In. The Collected Poems of István Gyöngyösi, Vol.1. Published by Badics, F. Budapest, 1914, pp.117-249. - One of the many examples is the poem written on the occasion of the wedding of Charles IX, King of France and Elisabeth of Austria, in 1571: Etienne Jodelle: Vers chantez .. á l'IIymenée du Roy. In: Les Amours et autres poésies ... publiées et augmentées de pièces rares ou inédites par A. vna Bever. Paris, 1907. This work is referred to and analysed by G. Demerson in his La mythologie classique dans l'oeuvre lyrique de la Pléiade. Genève, 1972, pp. 490 and 549-561. 6 Height: 8 cm, Width: 6.5 cm, Inv.No: E 65.11. Ref. Periods in European Decorative Arts. Renaissance and Mannerism. An exhibition catalogue, ed. by Péter, M. and Bardoly, I. Budapest, 1988, No. 324. (with earlier references). 7 Steingräber, E.: Alter Schmuck - Die Kunst des europäischen Schmuckes. München, 1956. p.119, pict.201; Hackenbroch, Y.: Renaissance Jewellery. München, 1979. p. 252, picts. 691 and 692. Inspite of the difference in some details, another Cupid pendant - now in the treasury of the Maria church of Czestochowa -, which was earlier in the collection of the Paulite monastery of Jasna Gora, can also be regarded an analogous piece. Ref. Z Rozanow - E. Smulikowska: The Cultural heritage of Jasna Gora. Warsaw, 1974 p. 154. 8 The painting is published in Y.Hackenbroch, see above, p. 254, pict. 692. 9 Főúri ősgalériák, családi arcképek a Magyar Történelmi Képcsarnokból (Aristocratic Galleries and Family Portraits in the Hungarian Historical Gallery). An exhibition catalogue (Hungarian National Gallery). Ed. by Buzási, E. Budapest, 1988, No. C.104, p. 118 (a descrpition by Mrs Gizella Cenner-Wilhelmb). The painting is now in the Hungarian National Museum, as deposit 7 of the Csáky family. I would like to express my thanks to Professor Moritz Csáky /Vienna/, for giving me the permission to publish the illustrations. 10 Hungarian National Archives. The Archives of the Count Esterházy family. P. 108. Rep. 12, Fasc. Q. No. 638, p.2. 11 Invent/arium rerum/ aurearum et Clenodiorum mundrumque Muliebrum Dnae Christinae Niari, 1626. "... Negiedik veres togban ualo Cupido Nasfa, meljben uagion Rubint 50, 16 giemant, 21 giongy, egz Smaragd." (rough translation: The fourth is a Cupid pendant in a red case, set with 5o rubies, 16 diamonds, 21 pearls and an emerald." Hungarian National Archives (UNA), P 108, Rep. 29, Fasc C. No. 37, p.3; Inventarium Rerum Dominae Condam Comitissae Christinae Nyári ... Anno 1641, die 4. February. "...Eggi Cupido formára czinalt fwghőczke, giémántos, smaraghdos, rubintos, geó'ngieös (rough translation: A small pendant of Cupid shape, with diamonds, emerald, rubies and pearls.) HNA P 108, Rep. 26, Fasc F. No. 287, p. 11; Inuentarium Rerum Illustrissimae Condam Comitissae Elizabethae Thurzo, ... in Arce Lansér conscriptum Anno 1642. die 14. July. "... Item egi Cupido formán csinált hai Tő, apró Rubintos." (rough translation: A hairpin with rubies, made in Cupid shape.) HNA P 108. Rep.12, Fasc Q. No. 635, p.7. 12 Radvánszky, B.: Magyar családélet és háztartás a XVI és XVII. században (Family Life and Household in Sixteenth and Seventeenth

