Imre Jakabffy (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 4. (Budapest, 1976)

IVÁNFY-BAL0GH, Sára - JAKABFFY, Imre: Géza R. Maróti

NOTES 1 Lyka K.: Maróti Géza. MI 23. (1920) 61 -03. 2 IM Archives Inv.-Nr: KRTF 147-193, 257, 749- 758, 977-978, 1363/1 -4; KLT 241 -242. 3 Roth M.: Egy üvegfestőművész emlékei. Bp., 1943. 4 Lyka K.: A karácsonyi kiállítás. MI 7. (1904) 22.' 5 Maróti G.: Szabadságharc-szobor pályaterv. Bp., 1907. 6 Ugo Monneret de Villart in the journal „Per­severanza" (Milano) 24 Jone, 1906. 7 Melani, A.: Hungarian art at the Milan Exhi­bition. The Studio, Vol. 38. (1906) 307 with Figs. 8 The glass ceiling was executed at the workshop of Miksa Roth. A reduced scale variant is in the possession of our Museum (Inv.-Nr: 61.265). 9 „Plans for the great colored glass court in. Nat, Theatre, Mexico City" — text stands in number 7 May 1929 of the „Michigan Society of Architects Weekly Bulletin", on the list of Ma­róti's more important works. — According to Speenburgh : „The art of glass mosaic reached its zenith in this execution. With Favrile glass as a medium and the genius of Louis Comfort Tiffany breathed into it, a wonder work in glass was evolved, which is as remarkable for its ima­gery and poetic effect as it is for its skill of con­struction and the magnitude of its undertaking" (Speenburgh, G.: The Arts of the Tiffanys. Chicago, 1956. 47.). 10 The construction proceeded slowly and was broken off more than once because the Mexican revolutions and kept until 1925 on. So can be explained that the dates on Maróti's designs are rather divers. On the opportunity of the 1964 International Architect Congress in Budapest; participated the architect Mrs Ruth Rivera Ma­rin, the daughter of the famed Mexican painter Diego Rivera. She was the manager of the Insti­tute Nacional de Bellas Artes, architectural de­partment in the building where had been for­merly the Nacional, what is called now Palacio de Bellas Artes. Mrs. Rivera Marin knew about Maróti's Mexican activity and looked the possibility for to study the original designs at Budapest, Prof. Alfréd Bardon showed her the Mexican designs, on them the following allusion may be read : „Grosse Disposition u. Baudirek­tion Prof. Adamo Boari Mexico — Raumausbil­dung Prof. Géza R. Maróti Budapest".

