Dr. T. Tóth szerk.: Studia historico-anthropologica (Anthropologia Hungarica 18. Budapest, 1983)

gress (Budapest, 1975). He was particularly interested in the anthropological investigations carried out by French, Italian, Austrian and Roumanian scientists. He held some lectures on this subject in the conferences in the Anthropological Department. He made two study tours to Roumania where he was working on finds conservation and took part in consultations in some institutions (1956, 1958). He received invitations to many international congresses (San Remo 1956, Paris 1960, Eperjes 1971, Brno 1975, Tokyo 1968, Chicago 1973), to the Prehistorical and Ancient Historical Congresses (Rome 1962, Prague 1966, Nice 1976), to the National Stomatological Conference of the Roumanian Medical Society (Bucarest 1963), to the Thirty-seventh International Congress of Americanists (Argentina 1966) and to the First International Conference on Social Science et Medicine (Aberdeen 1968). He did not attend the above-mentioned congresses. WENGER's scientific activity found clear expression in the comparative evaluation and publication of the anthropological finds deriving from 7 cemeteries from the Late Roman and 11 cemeteries from the Avar Period, 3 from the Arpadian and the Middle Age. His name is linked with two papers on the anatomical variations, a review about a monograph from abroad, a craniological methodical essay on the adaptation of the Ciardina-index. I n response to re­quests by his archeologists he did the age- and sex-determination of the anthropological finds excavated in a number of cemeteries. Inspite of the small number of his publications about different finds it is worth mentioning their volume and detailed documentation. During his re­search work which lasted nearly four decades he had studied the osteological remains of ab­out 2500 individuals (ca 800 typographical pages). In his studies he had always applied Pál LIPTÁK's taxonomical method. His interpretations were mostly very suggestive. It will be enough to refer to the taxonomical revision done by Lajos BARTUCZ in connection with the Szentes-Kaján population from the Avar Period which was studied by WENGER. Sándor WENGER's creative work represents a remarkable chapter in the research­history of Hungarian anthropology. LIST OF S. WENGER'S PUBLICATIONS 1952: Contributions a l'anthropologie des avars en Hongrie (Le cimetière d' Alattyán-Tulát). ­Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. , 44: 205-212. 1953: L'anthropologie du cimetière de Jánoshida - Tótkérpuszta. - Annls hist. -nat. Mus.natn. hung., 45: 231-244. 1 955: Szentes-Kaján népvándorláskori népességének embertani típusai (VII-VIII. szd.) (Types anthropologiques de la population de Szentes- Kaján provenant de VII-VIII e siècles). ­Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. , 47_: 391-410. 1956a: Les découvertes anthropologiques de Kunszentmárton provenant de la période avare. ­Cran. hung. , 1 (2): 53-59. 1956b: Nouvelles découvertes au Tiszántúl (au delà de la Tisza) provenant des temps avars. ­Cran. hung. , 1 (1) : 17-24. 1957: Donnée ostéométriques sur le matériel anthropologique du cimetière d' Alattyán-Tulát, provenant de l'époque avare. - Cran. hung. , 2(1): 1-55. 1958: Az antropológia helyzete Romániában (Voyages d'études dans la République Populaire Roumanie). - Anthrop. Közi. , 2: 123-132. 1963: DEZSŐ, Gy. & WENGER, S. : Die metrischen Befunde des Schädelmaterials; Metrische Charakterisierung des Skelettmaterials, - in: Die spätmittelalterliche Bevölkerung von Fonyód. Hrg. J. Nemeskéri. - Anthrop. hung. , 6: 137-145. 1966: Anthropologie de la population d'Előszállás - Bajcsihegy provenant des temps avars. ­Anthrop. hung., 7 (1 -2 ): 1 15-206. 1967: Adatok az avarkor népességének antropológiájához (Data to the anthropology of the po­pulation in the Avar-Age). - Anthrop. Közi., 11: 199-215. 1968a: Data to the anthropology of a Late Roman Period population in the SE Transdanubia. ­Annls Hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. , 60: 313-342. 1968b: Data to the anthropology of the Avar Period population of the Transdanubia. - Anthrop. hung. , 8: 59-96. 1970: Data to the anthropology of the Early Árpádian Age population of the Balaton Area. ­Anthrop. hung., 9 (1 -2 ): 63-145. 1971a: Anthropological data to the Árpádian Epoch population at the Great Bend of the Danube in Hungary. - Annls hist. -nat. Mus. natn. hung. , 63: 421 -432.

