Dr. T. Tóth szerk.: Studia historico-anthropologica (Anthropologia Hungarica 17. Budapest, 1981)

be admitted that in some Individual cases an epicanthus or a strong arch of cheekbones may be present: in one of the ethnogeographical groups of the central somatomorphological complex {living in the territory of Nagykunság) among 388 individuals only 2-3 persons have been found with a well developed epicanthus. Moreover the broad face of the Europoid Ossets and the Kazakh­Kiptshaks having a high Mongoloid component convincingly demonstrates the unsuitability of the bizygomatic values for separating the Europoid and Mongoloid components. In the Central-Danubian variant the facial breadth is growing according to a West-East trend. Wide ranging comparative analysis led to the assumption of heterochrony of the social and morphogenetical processes; this fact finds its convincing expression in the disagreement of the three territorial somatomorpholo­gical complexes and the dialect areas of the Hungarians (Fig. 4). On the basis of the pigmenta­tion characters (hair- and eye-colour) and the development of medial part of upper eyelid-plica seem the northern and southern subcontinental components of the Europoid race nearly equal par­ticipated in the anthropological composition of Hungarian men. That means that in the formation of the three Bomatomorphological complexes as well as in that of the Central-Danubian variant as morphological components both massive and gracilic ones took part. Concerning the ethnic odontology we should like to mention the morphoscopical traits of the lingual surface of the upper medial incisors (average point 0-3). A clear dominancy of the values (0-1) characterizing Europoids could be established in more than 2000 individuals from the ethno­geographic groups of Hungarian men. The frequency of the shovel shaped type characteristic for Mongoloids is relatively low and the Hungarian contingent seems to be very far not only from the Mongoloid groups, but from the Europomongoloid mixed Kazakhs, too (Table 2). It is well know that the summarized percentage value of the shovel shaped forms (2+3) of the upper medial inci­sors varies between 0 and 15 in the Europoid populations (ZUBOV 1968), whereas in Mongoloid ones the highest frequency of shovel-shaped incisors (75-100%) has been found. The odontoscopical values characterizing the mixed groups from the zone of the Ural Mountains and Central Asia, i.e. East-Finns, Ugors, Kazakhs and Uzbeks have an intermediary position between the above mentioned extremes (Table 2). Nevertheless the frequency of shovel-shaped incisors is very high in the dental system of many people of India (Oraons, Munda, Santalß) belonging to the Europoid area (Table 2). It can not be left without consideration that the odonto-anthropological traits of the southern subcontinental area of the Europod racial stock (Tadjiks, Azherbaidjans, Daghestans) has a similarity to the Hungarian contingent (Table 2). Analysing the ethnogenesis of Hungarians we have to take into consideration not only the Europo-Mongoloid odontological characteristics, but those of the Southern-Europoids, too. All of them have their parallelism in the somatological sphere. For clarifying the ethnogenesis of Hungarian people and the development of the Central-Da­nubian variant a comparative analysis of the main taxonomical components has been carried out using the data from nearly 200 craniological series originating from Eurasia (53 series of these are from Hungary's territory) (TŐTH 1974a, 1977). The morphogenetical processes passed off In the Carpathian Basin during the last two millennia have been determined by the historically autoch­tonous as well as immigrant populations (included the conquering Hungarians, too). For the anthro­pological composition of the conquering Hungarians the dominancy of the complex of the Europoid traits seem to be characteristic (on the basis of the osteological remains from 42 localities - cal­culated as a group-mean). The analysis had to suit the requirement that racial-types are not deter­mined by single traits, but by the complex of a great number of traits and the racial characters find their expressions most clearly in the entirety of a given population and not in its Individuals (it does not mean any refusal of the visual-typological method). According to the main morpholo­gical traits of the neuro- and splanchnocranium (Table 3) the osteological remains from conquering Hungarians are significantly different from those of the West-Siberian, Kama and South-Uralian groups as well as from the series of Bolshe-Tarchan, Tankeiewka and from Kazakhstan Turks. On the contrary a well-expressed similarity can be observed between series from conquering Hunga­rians and those from the Northern-Caspic, Sauromats and Sarmatas. Wide ranging comparisons make possible the establishment of a broad-faced, massive North-Caspic variant of the Eastern­Protoeurcpoids; this variant existed from the Early Iron-Age (Scytha-Saka Period) till the be­ginning of the Medieval Epoch in the morphological composition of different historical populations (included the conquering Hungarians, too). The Sauro-Sarmatic analogies find their expressions not only in the values of the two combinated indices (Table 3), but in the nearness of the cranio­metrical mean (Table 4). The anthropological composition of the relatively gracilized autochtonous populations settled the Carpathian Basin had been modified by the conquering Hungarians. This

