Reformátusok Lapja, 1963 (64. évfolyam, 1-9. szám)

1963-08-01 / 7. szám

REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA 19 TO OUR YOUTH By Rev. Frank Endrei What would you do if today you received a million dollars tax free? Since this is more than the average person makes in all of his life time, would you consider your aims in life fulfilled? There was a rich king who had so much money and power that he thought to run ex­periments and find out just what could make him happy. He tried wine to make his heart merry, he built houses, had gardens and parks made, and got himself many male and female slaves to serve him. He thought of entertain­ment, too, for he had singers, both men and women. He reports, “Whatever my eyes de­sired, I did not keep from them. I kept my heart from no pleasure. Then I considered all that my hands had done . . . and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind.” (Eccl. 2:10, 11.) This famous man was none other than King Solomon. After all, could it be that money and power do not bring to us the best there is in life? After Solomon had finished with his search, he gave to young people this advice, “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth.” (Eccl. 12:1.) “Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” (Eccl. 12:13.) Why not learn from this wise man? You might say, “I want to find out in my own life about what is worth living for.” “I want to make the same experiments as Solomon did and learn for myself.” “I’d like to experiment with money, power and pleasure.” But there is a good old Hungarian proverb, “The wise man learns from the troubles of others.” We learned this from our experimenter, “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth.” Let God be your God now. Don’t wait until you will be 90 or 100. You will find out only what Solomon found out, namely, that you should have made use of every precious mo­ment of your life for God. I have a friend whose mother was an al­coholic. He did not receive much encourage­ment at home and barely squeezed through from grade to grade in high school. Through a boy friend he was invited to hear the mes­sage of salvation through Christ at his friend’s church. He reviewed his own life. He saw that it was a mess. Fully aware of his sins and helplessness, he said, “Lord Jesus, take over my life.” From that time on he found the peace of sins forgiven, “There is, there­fore, now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1.) Knowing Christ as Saviour and Lord made a lot of difference in my friend’s studies. He became a good stu­dent. After having received various degrees, he is now working on his Ph. D. My young friend, if you want the best in life, give your life to Jesus Christ. Think of the words of that experimenter of old, “Re­member now your Creator in the days of your youth.” Don’t waste your young life on cheap things. Frank A. Endrei, Synodical Youth Director WHAT’S GOING ON IN YOUTH WORK? Magyar Synod has had its annual Youth Conference by now. We will give you a full report in our next issue. Our Synod has a standing committee on Christian Education and Youch Work. Here follow the recommendations which that com­mittee made in May, 1963, and which were unanimously accepted. 1. In the field of Christian Education, one of our primary problems seems to be the un­trained Sunday school teacher. We urge fur­ther training through community and local church resources. In several of our churches the teachers meet regularly with the pastor for continued training. We recommend this. 2. Rutgers University offers several courses in Hungarian studies under our own Professor August Molnár. We urge that special support be given to this program by our churches. 3. We urge that each congregation pay all expenses for at least two young people to the Synodical Youth Conference. 4. We urge that a Youth Sunday be desig­nated in each church with the youth parti­cipating. 5. We urge that each local youth fellow­ship be guided in having serious Christian programing. Lack of careful programing leaves disinterested young people and fails to make use of this valuable opportunity for Christian training and fellowship. In many churches the pastor takes an active role in the youth fellow­ship to ensure this end. 6. We request from the Synodical treasury at least $200 every year to subsidize the cost of camp and to make possible adequate prep­arations for the conference. Frank Endrei, Chairman Bela Liptak, Francis Vitéz, Aaron Elek, Members of Committee The following members were added to the committee by the Synod: Csaba Baksa, László Borsay and August Molnár.

