Amerikai Magyar Reformátusok Lapja, 1932 (33. évfolyam, 1-53. szám)

1932-07-23 / 30. szám

8 AMERIKAI MAGYAR REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA fiai és leányai, hogy elvesszenek a bűn örvényei­ben? Akik szorgalmasan fogják keresni a feleletet a kérdésre, Lackawannán megtalálják azt. És ha megtalálták és elfogadták: az igaz életnek, az igazi haladásnak, a diadalnak útját találták meg a ma­guk számára. Föl tehát, egyházainknak ifjúsága s menjetek minél számosabban Lackawannára. Két dollár a jelentkezési dij, amelyért kaptok annyi lelki hasz­not s oly sok szórakozást, amennyi annak tízszere­sével sincsen megfizetve. Olvassátok el figyelme­sen az alábbi programmot s megláthatjátok maga­tok is, hogy igazságunk van. Wednesday, August 10. 1. Meeting, registration and getting acquainted of delegates in the afternoon. 2. 6:30 Supper. 3. 7:30 Church service. Thursday, August 11. 1. 9:00-9:30 Devotions. 2. 9:30-11:00 a) Roll call, b) President’s ad­dress. c) Appointment of committees, d) Brief addresses: 1. Egyek a Krisztusban; Rev. Francis Ujlaky. 2. Loyalty; Rev. F. L. Janeway, Executive of Buffalo Presbytery, e) Announcements. 3. 11:00-12:15 Group Meetings and discussions a) Group 1: Whither Young People in Religion— led by Rev. L. A. Gates, pastor of South Presby­terian Church, Buffalo. 1. Prayer and worship. 2. The teachings of Christ. 3. The application of those teachings to the political, social and economic problems of today, etc. b) Group ill: Whither Young .People in Educa­tion—led by Dr. Earl Cranston, Professor of His­tory at Colgate University and formrely professor at Nanking University, China. 1. Religious educa­tion for the church worker, a) Sunday School leadership, b) Young peoples’ leadership, c) Church leadership. 2. Secular education and the Christian, a) The obligation of Christians to develop their minds, b) The value of the intelligent Christian to his church and to the world. • c) The need of higher education in an increasingly complex type of civilization, d) The guides young people should use in selecting their vocations, etc. c) Group III. Whither Young People in Re­creation—led by Rev. Daniel Bodor, East Chicago, Ind. 1. Standards for selecting recreation. 2. Types of recreation in which Christian young people should participate. 3. The degree of participation— is there an excess? etc. d) Group IV. Whither Young People in Serv­ice—led by Rev. Gabriel Dokus, Jr., Canton, Ohio. 1. To Church. 2. To community. 3. To nation, etc. 4. 12:15-1:15 dinner. 5. 1:15-5:30 The entire afternoon spent in re­creation at Hamburg-on-the-Lake. Ball games, field games aind swimming in Lake Erie. 6. 5:30-7:30 Come back to Lackawanna and have supper at the church. 7. 7:30-9:00 Group devotions and a continu­ance of the four group meetings of the morning. Friday, August 12. 1. 9:00- 9:20 Devotions. 2. 9:20- 9:30 Roll call. 3. 9:30-11:30 The members of the findings committee will report on the results of the respec­tive group discussions, so that the whole confer­ence may benefit from all the discussions. There will also be a brief discussion of each report as it is presented. 4. 11:30-12:00 Address from a representative of the Református Egyesület. 5. 12:00-1:00 Dinner. 6. 1:00-4:00 Business meeting, including com­mittee reports, election of officers, etc. 7. 4:30-10:00 Bus trip of 70 miles to Niagara Falls and back, a) Viewing the Falls by day and night, b) Picnic supper at the Falls. NOTE: The trip to Hamburg-on-the-Lake, the trip to Niagara Falls, all meals and lodging are included in the $2.00 registration fee. “WHITHER YOUNG PEOPLE!” “Whither Young People” is the theme chosen for the C. E. Conference to be held in Lacka­wanna, N. Y., on August 10th, 11th, and 12th. Could there be a more fitting theme than this — for a Christian Endeavor Conference in times like these — when no one knows “whither they are going ?” The world needs to be rebuilt, but it needs new builders to accomplish this work. Who are these world builders going to be? They must be Young People who are just starting out on their crusade in life, who are ready to be re­built themselves, who are ready to become new creatures thru Jesus Christ! Only this way can the world be rebuilt! “Whither Young People?” Isn’t it a chal­lenge to everyone of us who belong to C. E. Societies and Young Peoples Societies? If we take it as a challenge — we will sacrifice all things, and make it possible to attend the Con­ference in Lackawanna, no matter how .great the distance may be from our home towns! Just a few days ago I received a letter from one of our Societies. The letter told me that

