Amerikai Magyar Reformátusok Lapja, 1917 (18. évfolyam, 14-52. szám)

1917-04-07 / 14. szám

14 szám Ápril 7­AMERIKAI MAGYAR REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA 4 The Reformátusok Lapja as a Church Paper. We appreciate the opportunity to express our appreciation and approval that the Sentinel is to be published in Pittsburgh. This change we think pro­mises well for the paper. Pittsburgh is geographically nearer the centre of Hungarian affairs than New York, and this transfer was desirable on account of the variety of interests centered here. The opportun­ity for this new arrangement came, when The Rev. Ladistaus Harsanyi of New York tendered his resig­nation as editor of the Reformátusok Lapja on ac­count of much sickness in his family and on account of pressure in his own congregational work. The new editor Rev- Dr- Alex. Harsanyi is equally well adapted to the work which he is expected to do His ability, his love for his people, his zeal in the work of the Lord and his great experience in Magyar Mission work as well as his experience as writer and publisher of Magyar religious literature give guarantee of good faithful service. All this speaks well for the outlook, but some thing more is required. The Sentinel like many other Church paper has not paid for itself; has not paid what might justly be expected of it. Its future will depend on what its readers and friends of the Magyar Reformed Hungarian work expects it to be and what they will do to make it what it ought to be. Some things they should not expect. Just be­cause it is a weekly paper they should not expect it to give them daily news; just because it is a religious paper they can not expect to make secular news prom­inent. Secondly they should not expect to make it a me­dium for either personal, congregational or denom­inational controversy. Thirdly they should not expect it to be a medium for all sorts of advertising. Even secular papers in these days do not take advertisements of fake medi­cines, fraudulent land schmes; and liquor advertise­ments. Neither can such be expected in a Church Paper. Fourthly because a Church paper can not take such advertisements, you cannot expect such large financial support from its advertisements. On the other hand readers may expect church news from all the Hungarian congregations no matter of what denomination it may come. This however con- not be secured unless it is sent to the editor by the pastors, officers or some member of the congregation designated for the purpose. Such news should be promptly sen to his office. Right here two difficulties arise. Not enough news has been sent in or complaint has been made that it was not promptly published. We cannot tell whose fault this has been, but would remind you that the editor may have to delay news for later issues and that if he may not decide to omit articles entirely, he would not be an editor or even a manager of the paper. Now a Church Paper should give more than Church news. It should also give short articles on Church customs, duties, rules, and institutions. Arti­cles may be expected telling us such things in the Eng­lish Presbyterian and Reformed Churches. In this way the people will become informed of the work done by the denominations that are supporting the Sentinel and also helping the Magyar congregations build churcehes and support the missionaries. Thus the younger generation will get better ac­quainted with American churchlife and with the mem­bers of the American congregations. A church paper should be a religious paper. It should give information concerning Christian conduct and character. This will mean articles concerning re­ligion in the home and in our social, and civil life. There will no doubt be a page or pages calld “Home Depart­ment” for parents and children. We commend all these things as desirable. You can help secure them. Every congregation should have a representative of the Sentinel who would get sub­scribers and advertisements for it. And I might add, that this should be done from loyalty and love to the Church and from a worthy interest in her welfare. It can be done in spare time in the evening. Church papers at best are not paying propositions though they are a necessity so all church members should help support and encourage them. Lastly I would suggest that if this is done and every Hungarian Reformed family will get the Sentinel as they should there will be no need for a parish paper in separate congregations. Very little good can be accomplished through parish papers, and in almost every case the minister looses money on them. Sincerelly yours, D. A. Souders Superintendent of Board of Some Missions of the Reformed Church in the United States. A Reformátusok Lapja nint Egyházi Újság. Kifejezzük megelégedésünket és helybenhagyá­sunkat a felett, hogy a Reformátusok Lapja ezután Pittsburgh kerületben lesz szerkesztve. Meggyőző­désünk, hogy ez a változtatás a lap javára szolgáland. Pittsburgh földrajzilag is közelebb fekszik a magyar központokhoz, mint New-york és egyházi ügyeink és érdekeink szempontjából kívánatos volt e változtatás, melyre most épen alkalom is nyílott, mivel a volt érdemes szerkesztő, családjában levő betegségek és saját nagy elfoglaltsága miatt kérelmezte felmen- tetését. Az uj szerkesztő, Dr. Harsányi Sándor homsteadi és vid ref. lelkész épenoly megfelelő egyén a szerkesz­tői tisztségre mint elődje- Az ő képessége, népe iránti szeretete, az Ur ügye iránti lelkesedése, és a magyar missioi munkában való nagy gyakorlata, továbbá a magyar egyházi irodalom mezején való tevékenysége: biztosítékot nyújtanak az ő hiv és jo szolgálatairól. Mindezek biztató kilátást adnak a jövendőre néz­ve. Azonban a sikerhez más is szükségeltetik. A Reformátusok Lapja, épenugy mint a többi egyházi lapok, pénzügyileg nem fizeti ki magát. Sőt annyi

