Use it if you don't know exactly what to search for or several versions exist
* - matches any number of characters E.g., András* matches these: "andrásnak", "andrással", "andrásékhoz".
? - matches zero or one character E.g., utc?a matches both "utcza" and "utca".
! - matches exactly one character E.g., utc!a matches: "utcza", but does not find "utca".
Use it to link more search expressions together
AND - provides results containing both expressions. E.g., Petőfi AND Sándor finds all results containing both "Petőfi" and "Sándor".
OR - provides results containing at least on of the expressions. E.g., Petőfi OR Kossuth finds all results containing "Petőfi" or "Kossuth" or both.
NOT - provides results containing the expression before the "NOT", but not the one after it. E.g., Petőfi NOT Sándor finds all results containing "Petőfi", but not "Sándor".
Use it when the distance between the search expressions is important
" " - only finds results containing the exact same expressions as included within the quotation marks E.g., "Petőfi Sándor" finds all results containing both "Petőfi" and "Sándor" placed next to each other exactly in this order.
[number]W - only finds results containing both expressions which are situated within the given distance. You can use it with any number. E.g., Petőfi 6W Sándor finds "Petőfi, avagy Sándor" as both expressions are within the given distance (6 words).
[number]N - similar as above, but matches in any order E.g., Petőfi 6N Sándor matches "Sándor (a Petőfi)".
Use it if you don't know exactly what to search for or several versions exist
* - matches any number of characters E.g., András* matches these: "andrásnak", "andrással", "andrásékhoz".
? - matches zero or one character E.g., utc?a matches both "utcza" and "utca".
! - matches exactly one character E.g., utc!a matches: "utcza", but does not find "utca".
Use it to link more search expressions together
AND - provides results containing both expressions. E.g., Petőfi AND Sándor finds all results containing both "Petőfi" and "Sándor".
OR - provides results containing at least on of the expressions. E.g., Petőfi OR Kossuth finds all results containing "Petőfi" or "Kossuth" or both.
NOT - provides results containing the expression before the "NOT", but not the one after it. E.g., Petőfi NOT Sándor finds all results containing "Petőfi", but not "Sándor".
Use it when the distance between the search expressions is important
" " - only finds results containing the exact same expressions as included within the quotation marks E.g., "Petőfi Sándor" finds all results containing both "Petőfi" and "Sándor" placed next to each other exactly in this order.
[number]W - only finds results containing both expressions which are situated within the given distance. You can use it with any number. E.g., Petőfi 6W Sándor finds "Petőfi, avagy Sándor" as both expressions are within the given distance (6 words).
[number]N - similar as above, but matches in any order E.g., Petőfi 6N Sándor matches "Sándor (a Petőfi)".
[...] 55 Terézvárosi oszt VI Deák Ferencz tér 6 Tel 84 82 Igazgatóság Popper [...] Magyarországi igazgatóság Budapest VI Deák Ferencz tér 6 Tel 17 07 Igazgató tanácsosok [...]
[...] Korn Izidor szabóüzlettulajdonos YI Deák Ferencz tér 6 Anker köz 4 Tel 124 [...] főtelep Újpest fiók YI Deák Ferencz tér 6 Anker köz 4 Kovács Csizly [...]
[...] nagykereskedők Együttes czégjegyzés VI Deák Ferencz tér 6 Anker köz 2 Tel 137 [...] bélésárukereskedő Önálló czégjegyzés VI Deák Ferencz tér 6 Anker köz 2 Deutsch és [...]
[...] 75 Miklós magánhiv VI Deák Ferencz tér 6 Miksa főv tanitó IH pacsirtamező [...] 15 Zsigmond bankfőtisztv VI Deák Ferencz tér 6 Anker köz 1 Zolthai Zehrer [...]
[...] Antal dr gyárigazgató VI Liszt Ferencz tér 6 Géza dr p ü fogalmazó [...] 19 Vilmos gyárigazgató VI Liszt Ferencz tér 6 Tószt 1 Tost Tótály Károlyné [...]
[...] 142 Mór háztulajd VI Deák Ferencz tér 6 Ankerköz 1 Rezső min számtiszt [...] 9 Szidónia háztulajd VI Deák Ferencz tér 6 Anker köz 1 Viktor főhadnagy [...]
[...] Mór fér fiszabóüzlettulajd VI Liszt Ferencz tér 6 Tel 167 10 Fodor B [...] posztókereskedők Önálló czégjegyzés VI Deák Ferencz tér 6 Anker köz 2 Tel 61 [...]
[...] és szövöttárú kereskedő VI Deák Ferencz tér 6 Ankerpalota Tel 129 98 Guttmann [...] kereskedők Önálló czégjegyzés VI Deák Ferencz tér 6 Anker köz 4 Guttmann és [...]
The purpose of the Hungaricana project is to share Hungarian cultural heritage including
contents that have never been accessible before. Our goal is to create an environment
where everyone, whether professional or amateur, can explore Hungary's, or even their
own history and culture in a clean and efficient way.