Page 3, 187 hit(s)


41. Hably, Lilla: Catalogue of the Hungarian Cenozoic leaf, fruit and seed floras from 1856 to 2005 (71. oldal)
[...] Sternberg Unger Ceraionia emarginata AI Braun Embothrites borealis Unger Cedrelospermum aquense [...] longifolia Unger Podogonium knorii AI Braun Hccr Podocarpium podocarpum AI Braun Herendeen Tecoma sp Zizyphus paradisiaca [...] Pinus sp Podocarpium podocarpum AI Braun Herendeen Quercus kubinyii Kováts Czeczott [...] confucii Unger Cinnamomum scheuchzeri AI Braun Daphnogene bilinica Unger Knobloch et [...]
42. Hably, Lilla: Catalogue of the Hungarian Cenozoic leaf, fruit and seed floras from 1856 to 2005 (99. oldal)
[...] Unger Legu­minosae Liquidambar europaea Al Braun Liquidambar ternata Andreanszky et Novak [...] Rhuspalaeocotinus Saporta Salix angusta Al Braun Sapindaceae Sapindus falcifolius Al Braun Sapindus ungeri Ettingshausen Smilax borsodensis [...] Liqui­dambar sp Podogonium knorrii Al Braun Heer Podocarpium podocarpum Al Braun Herendeen Populus cf tremuloides Michaux [...]
43. Hably, Lilla: Catalogue of the Hungarian Cenozoic leaf, fruit and seed floras from 1856 to 2005 (65. oldal)
[...] europaeus Heer Jugions acuminata AI Braun Laurus lalages Unger Myrica salicina [...] Unger Gramineae Jugions acuminata AI Braun Laurophyllum sp cf Laurus lalages [...] sp ISabal Phragmites oeningensis Al Braun Pinus sp 1 2 3 [...] Knobloch Salix cf angusta Al Braun cf Ulmus pyramidalis Goeppert Ulmus [...]
44. Hably, Lilla: Catalogue of the Hungarian Cenozoic leaf, fruit and seed floras from 1856 to 2005 (59. oldal)
[...] gigantum Ettingshausen Pun­giphyllum cruciatum AI Braun Frankenhäuser et Wilde Quercus goepperti Weber Quercus neriifolia AI Braun Quercus nervosa Saporta Quercusplatania Heer [...] hungarica Andreanszky Typha latissima AI Braun Ulmus braunii Heer Ulmus longifolia [...] Bronn Acer trilobatum Sternberg Al Braun Acer tricuspidatum Bronn Alnus cf [...]
45. Hably, Lilla: Catalogue of the Hungarian Cenozoic leaf, fruit and seed floras from 1856 to 2005 (62. oldal)
[...] lanceolata Unger Daphnogene polymorpha AI Braun Ettingshausen Daphnogene sp Laurophyllum sp [...] bella Heer Daphne oeningensis AI Braun emend Weyland Daphne aquilanica Ettingshausen [...] lanceolata Unger Daphnogene polymorpha AI Braun Ettingshausen Daphnogene sp Dicotylophyllum cf [...] Heer cf Quercus neriifolia AI Braun sensu Heer Quercus cf seyfriedi [...]
46. Babos, Margit: Auf Sumpfpflanzen lebende Agaricales-Arten (8. oldal)
[...] unten zu mehr oder weniger braun Ba­sismyzel weiss Fleisch dünn glasig [...] der Basis mehr oder weniger braun Geruch unangenehm penetrant modrig Sporen [...] dann sich verflachend hygrophan feucht braun rötlichbraun trocken heller braun im juvenilen Zustand von verschwindenden [...] bedeckt Lamellen frei rötlichbraun dann braun Stiel 1 5 3 x [...]
47. Hably, Lilla: Catalogue of the Hungarian Cenozoic leaf, fruit and seed floras from 1856 to 2005 (110. oldal)
[...] emend Knobloch Liquidambar europaea AI Braun Platanus leucophylla Unger Knobloch Smilax [...] Ettingshausen Berger Bytt­neriophyllum tiliifolium AI Braun Knobloch et Kvacek Glyptostrobus europaeus [...] Goeppert Heer Byttneriophyllum tiliifolium AI Braun Knobloch et Kvacek Cyperites sp [...] Trapa sp Typha latissima AI Braun Ulmus sp Umbelliferae gen et [...]
48. Telek, I.: Algen Untersuchungen auf unterschiedlichen Böden im "natürlichen" Ökosystem und in Landwirtschaftlichen Kulturen (50. oldal)
[...] Kőhegy und seiner Umgebung 1 Brauner Waldboden 2 Dunkelfarbiger Waldboden 3 Brauner Waldboden mit unvollendeten Profil 4 [...] Boden 8 Ackerfläche Schwach erodiert brauner Waldboden mit Mittel­massigen Humus 9 [...]
49. Révay, Ágnes: Review of the Hyphomycetes of Hungary (71. oldal)
[...] Nannf Neoramularia rubi Bubák U Braun Ramularia aplospora Speg Phacellium episphaerium Desm U Braun Neoovularia nomuriana Sacc U Braun Ramularia veronicae Fuckel Tretovularia villiana [...] Unger Spermosporina alismatis Oudem U Braun Cercospora ari Fautrey Vasjagina Ramularia [...]
50. Hably, Lilla: Egerian fossil flora from Kesztölc, NW Hungary (44. oldal)
[...] Diospyros L Diospyros brachysepala A Braun sensu Hantke Pl X Fig 1 1845 Diospyros brachysepala A Braun A Braun p 170 1934 Diospyros brachysepala [...] 3 1973 Diospyros brachysepala A Braun Nemejc et Knobloch p 714 [...] 7 1985 Diospyros brachysepala A Braun Hably p 110 Pl 29 [...]
51. Hably, Lilla: Catalogue of the Hungarian Cenozoic leaf, fruit and seed floras from 1856 to 2005 (57. oldal)
[...] Csörög Remains Acer trilobatum AI Braun Acer tricuspidalum Bronn Anonaphyllum sp [...] grandis Unger Cinnamomum polymorphum AI Braun Heer Daphnogene polymorpha AI Braun Ettingshausen Engelhardtia brongniarti Saporta Engelhardia [...] rossmaessleri Unger Sapindus falcifolius AI Braun Sequoia langsdorfii Brongniart Heer Ulmus [...]
52. Révay, Ágnes: Review of the Hyphomycetes of Hungary (34. oldal)
[...] 1927 Mycovellosiella dulcamarae Peck U Braun Mycotaxon 48 284 1993 syn [...] 1975 GÖNCZÖL 1985 NEOOVULARIA U Braun Nova Hedwigia 54 473 1992 [...] nomuriana Neoovularia nomuriana Sacc U Braun syn Ovularia tuberculiniformis Höhnel MOESZ [...] VI 1983 Tóth NEORAMULARIA U Braun Nova Hedwigia 53 291 1991 [...]
53. Hably, Lilla: Catalogue of the Hungarian Cenozoic leaf, fruit and seed floras from 1856 to 2005 (105. oldal)
[...] Brongniart Unger Juglans acuminata AI Braun Laurophyllum sp Myrica lignitum Unger [...] Unger Andreanszky Phragmites oenin­gensis AI Braun Pinus sp Potamogeton sp Quercus [...] Stratiotes sp Typha latissima AI Braun Ulmus sp Zelkova zelkovifolia Unger [...]
54. Hably, Lilla: Catalogue of the Hungarian Cenozoic leaf, fruit and seed floras from 1856 to 2005 (61. oldal)
[...] Cedrela macrophylla Andrcanszky Cinnamomophyllumpolymorphum AI Braun Kräusel ct Weyland Daphnogene polymorpha AI Braun Ettingshausen Cinnamomophyllum scheuch­zeri Heer Kräusel [...] lanceolata Unger Daphnogene polymorpha AI Braun Ettingshausen Daphnogene sp Diospyros brachysepala AI Braun sensu Hantke Laurophyllum sp Legumi­nocarpon [...]
55. Hably, Lilla: Catalogue of the Hungarian Cenozoic leaf, fruit and seed floras from 1856 to 2005 (60. oldal)
[...] gigantum Ettingshausen Pun­giphyllum cruciatum Al Braun Frankenhäuser ct Wilde Quercus legdnyii [...] Remains Blechnum dentatum Goeppert Al Braun Pronephrium stiriacum Unger Knobloch et [...] Andreanszky Blechnum dentatum Goeppert AI Braun Calamus noszkyi Jablonszky Cedrela macrophylla [...] et Kvacek Quercus cruciata AI Braun Quercus rhenana Kräusel et Weyland [...]
56. Révay, Ágnes: Review of the Hyphomycetes of Hungary (18. oldal)
Cercosporella equiseti C Massai U Braun Nova Hedwigia 54 459 1992 [...] 1913 Cercosporella lindaviana Jaap U Braun Nova Hedwigia 54 460 1992 [...] VIII 1965 Tóth CERCOSTIGMINA U Braun Crypt Bot 4 108 1993 [...] concentrica Cooke et Ell U Braun syn Cercospora concentrica Cooke et [...]
57. Révay, Ágnes: Review of the Hyphomycetes of Hungary (63. oldal)
[...] Schweinitz Ramularia crassiuscula Unger U Braun Cercospora carotae Pass Kaz et Siem Passalora pastinacae Sacc U Braun Cercospora bacilligera Berk et Br Fresen Passalora chaerophylli Aderhold U Braun Cercospora dubia Riess Winter
58. Hably, Lilla: Catalogue of the Hungarian Cenozoic leaf, fruit and seed floras from 1856 to 2005 (79. oldal)
[...] Remains Acer trilobatum Sternberg AI Braun Acer tricuspidatum Bronn Acer sp [...] Fagus sp Ficus tiliaefolia AI Braun Heer Byttiieriophyllum tilii­folium AI Braun Knobloch et Kvacek Laurus cf [...]
59. Langangen, A.; Leghari, S. M.: Some charophytes (Charales) from Pakistan (74. oldal)
[...] referred to f longibracteata A Braun Ecology Freshwater Distribution Chara vulgaris [...] al 1962 Chara gymnophylla A Braun Locality 1 Baluchistan Losali Rara [...] Fig­ure 9 Chara contraria A Braun ex Kützing Localities 23 1 [...]
60. Langangen, A.; Leghari, S. M.: Some charophytes (Charales) from Pakistan (72. oldal)
Chara flaccida A Braun Localities 5 1 Prov Sindh [...] three species C benthamii A Braun C gym­nopytis A Braun and C flaccida into one [...]