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102. Vincze-Szeberényi, H.: Dr. László Tokodys Andenken (1898-1964) (10. oldal)
[...] Neuorganisierung der Akademie im Jahre 1956 erwarb er den Titel des [...] der katastrophale Feuer­brand vom Jahre 1956 die Sammlung die nach ihrem [...] Nach der Verwüstung des Jahres 1956 nahm er mehrmals mit Einsatz [...]
103. Tóth, T.: On the morphological modification of anthropological series in the Central Danubian Basin (346. oldal)
[...] 229 BARTTJCZ L FARKAS GY 1956 Anthropologische Untersuchung der in Csongräd­Felgyő [...] 2 159 180 LIPTÁK P 1956 a Nouvelles contributions à l [...] 1 13 16 LIPTÁK P 1956 b Contributions à l anthropologie [...]
104. Verseghy, K.: Die endemischen Flechten der Karpaten und des Karpatenbeckens (72. oldal)
[...] Hist Nat Mus Hung VII 1956 p 273 Matricum m Börzsöny [...] Hist Nat Mus Hung VII 1956 p 276 Matricum In decl [...] Hist Nat Mus Hung VII 1956 p 276
105. Bohus, G. ; Babos, M.: Notes on the occurrence in Hungary of Russula species, with regard to their range in Europe (126. oldal)
[...] petraea cerris pannonicum 7 July 1956 Mt Balázshegy leg Babos in Luzulo Quercetum subcarpaticum 11 July 1956 Mt Samassahegy leg Babos in [...] y 1939 1940 1941 1943 1956 1959 Visnya 1928 29 sub [...]
106. Zólyomi, B.: Erinnerung an Sándor Jávorka (1883-1961) (23. oldal)
1956 204 Mágocsy Dietz Sándor Term és Társad 1956 p 418 419 205 Magyar parkok Élet és Tud 1956 nov 25 p 792 796 [...]
107. Tóth, L.: Provisional check-list of Hungarian stoneflies (Plecoptera) (84. oldal)
[...] Y Protonemura autumna lis RAUSER 1956 Cz R Y Protonemura brevistyla [...] R Y Protonemura hrabei RAUSER 1956 Cz R Y Protonemura illi [...]
108. Horváth, L., Keve, A. ; Marián, M.: The systematic relegation and migratory conditions of the skylark (Alauda arvensis L.) in Hungary and Carpathian Basin (528. oldal)
[...] Vogelzug auf Pantelleria Vogelring 25 1956 p 1 6 80 STEINFATT [...] Kreta Journ f Orn 97 1956 p 44 72 84 TAAPKEN [...] Oeuvre du Baguage Gerfaut 46 1956 p 179 226 96 VERHEYEN [...]
109. Bohus, G. ; Babos, M.: Notes on the occurrence in Hungary of Russula species, with regard to their range in Europe (138. oldal)
[...] Moesz 1942 Szemére 1960 Ubrizsy 1956 1959 Mycocoenological survey data Bohus [...] Luzulo Quercetum subcarpaticum 11 July 1956 Mt Samassahegy leg Babos in [...] 20 August 1955 11 July 1956 Mt Samassahegy in Genisto pilosae [...]
112. Acsádi, Gy. ; Nemeskéri, J.: Contributions a la reconstruction de la population de Veszprém (457. oldal)
[...] Bartucz Lipták Malán Nemeskéri 1939 1956 Nemeskéri Acsádv 1957 Lipták 1953 [...] 1949 Lipták 1953 Bartucz Farkas 1956 Ivanicek 1951 Indice céphalique Cas [...]
114. Kaszab, Z.: Revision der Triben Ertliini und Derideini (Coleoptera, Meloidae) (345. oldal)
[...] schmutzig gelbbraun ab pallidicoloripennis KASZAB 1956 Länge 5 5 6 mm [...] schmutzig gelbbraun ab discolor KASZAB 1956 Länge 4 8 9 5 [...] Lulua Kabomba 2 nigerrima KASZAB 1956 5 4 Oberseite fein und [...]
115. Bottyán, O.: An analysis of the palatal measuring methods (300. oldal)
[...] IX cent A D LIPTÁK 1956 Alattyán Tulát VII IX cent [...] A D NEMESKÉRI et DEÁK 1956 I took over only sex [...]
116. Colonnelli, E.: Notes sur quelques Ceutorhynchinae de l'Afrique tropicale (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) (207. oldal)
[...] Egrius PASCOE 1865 Hustacheoxyo­nyx HOFFMANN 1956 jun syn Catalogue is given [...] Coeliodini Ceutorhynchini et Phytobiini HOFFMANN 1956 a décrit en plus la [...] onze genres rattachés par HOFFMANN 1956 à cette tribu on peut [...]
117. Pálfy, J.: Review of invertebrate and vertebrate paleontological types in the collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (7. oldal)
[...] the Hungarian uprising in October 1956 a fire de­stroyed a major [...] with the appro­priate remark After 1956 a new inventory of the [...] reviewed the material donated after 1956 by the GIH and the [...]
118. Jánossy, D.: New species of Episoriculus from the Middle Pliocene of Osztramos (North Hungary) (49. oldal)
[...] Pliocene of Poland Podlesice KOWALSKI 1956 up to the Lower Pleistocene [...] from Locality 3 Villány KRETZOI 1956 Finally KRETZOI 1959 proposed to [...] with the genus Episoriculus KOWALSKI 1956 mentioned the size of the [...]
120. Hably, L.: Some data to the Oligocene flora of the Kiscellian Tard Clay, Hungary (34. oldal)
[...] near Eger Cupanites neptuni ANDREÁNSZKY 1956 from the Middle Oligocène of Noszvaj Cunonia oligocenica ANDREÁNSZKY 1956 from the Wind brickyard from [...] in Tard Clay Budaújlak VARGA 1956 and Kiseged ANDREÁNSZKY 1949 Of [...]