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1161. Sevcsik, A. ; Erős, T.: A revised catalogue of freshwater fishes of Hungary and the neighbouring countries in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (Pisces) (364. oldal)
[...] Abaúj Zemplén Hejőcsabai tó Hejőcsaba 1956 10 06 I VÁSÁRHELYI 57 [...] Abaúj Zemplén Hejőcsabai tó Hejőcsaba 1956 10 07 I VÁSÁRHELYI 58 [...]
1170. Pálfy, J.: Review of invertebrate and vertebrate paleontological types in the collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (7. oldal)
[...] the Hungarian uprising in October 1956 a fire de­stroyed a major [...] with the appro­priate remark After 1956 a new inventory of the [...] reviewed the material donated after 1956 by the GIH and the [...]
1171. Pálfy, J.: Review of invertebrate and vertebrate paleontological types in the collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (9. oldal)
[...] holotypes to the HNHM after 1956 Mostly Triassic radiola­rian types of [...] to alleviate the losses of 1956 BÁCSKAY 1994 HANTKEN is considered [...]
1174. Pálfy, J.: Review of invertebrate and vertebrate paleontological types in the collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (18. oldal)
[...] damaged in the fire of 1956 Fortunately the skull and some [...] vertebrate collec­tion during the post­ 1956 recataloguing effort Apparently mistaken for [...]
1175. Hajdu, T.: Anthropological analysis of the Avar Age people from the Jászberény-Disznózug cemetery (Hungary) (148. oldal)
[...] the pre­vious anthropological literature WENGER 1956 1956 b 1957 LEBZELTER 1957 LIPTÁK [...]
1176. Hajdu, T.: Anthropological analysis of the Avar Age people from the Jászberény-Disznózug cemetery (Hungary) (166. oldal)
[...] 3 285 334 WENGER S 1956 2 Nouvelles découvertes au Tiszántúl [...] 1 17 24 WENGER S 1956 b Les découvertes anthropologiques de [...]
1177. Makra, Sz. & Bernert, Zs.: Dr. Olga Bottyán (1919): biographical sketch and bibliography (183. oldal)
[...] détente after the Revolution in 1956 she was allowed to take [...]
1178. List of publications of the Hungarian Natural History Museum in the year 2008 (196. oldal)
[...] Octolasion Orley 1885 Octodrilus Omodeo 1956 and Octodriloides Zicsi 1986 Oligochaeta [...]