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1121. Korsós, Z.: History of the Herpetological Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (38. oldal)
[...] Amphibians reptiles museology Budapest Hungary 1956 acquisitions THE BEGINNING The very [...]
1124. Korsós, Z.: History of the Herpetological Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (63. oldal)
[...] material was also annihilated in 1956 FEJÉRVÁRY was the editor of [...]
1126. Korsós, Z.: History of the Herpetological Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (66. oldal)
[...] species and subspecies Since in 1956 practically the entire material except [...]
1127. Korsós, Z.: History of the Herpetological Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (68. oldal)
[...] On 13 th of October 1956 10 days before the Hungarian [...] which was unfortunately destroyed in 1956 In those rare occasions when [...]
1128. Korsós, Z.: History of the Herpetological Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (69. oldal)
[...] later during the uprising in 1956 the exhibitions in the building [...] diorama was unfortunately burnt in 1956
1130. Korsós, Z.: History of the Herpetological Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (72. oldal)
THE DESTRUCTION OF 1956 1956 was a significant year in [...] in them were destroyed MIHÁLYI 1956 For the public the tragedy [...]
1131. Korsós, Z.: History of the Herpetological Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (73. oldal)
[...] Figs 32 33 RECONSTRUCTION AFTER 1956 The horrible devastation would possibly [...]
1132. Korsós, Z.: History of the Herpetological Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (74. oldal)
[...] exhibitions after the destruction in 1956 He was a kind of [...] of the material destroyed in 1956 in which he was helped [...]
1133. Korsós, Z.: History of the Herpetological Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (75. oldal)
[...] 32 33 The fire in 1956 totally extinguished the Herpetological Collection [...] by G SZEGVÁRY 12 Nov 1956 HNHM Figs 34 35 34 [...]
1136. Korsós, Z.: History of the Herpetological Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (80. oldal)
[...] collection s reconstruction period after 1956 In 1981 still amidst difficult [...]
1137. Korsós, Z.: History of the Herpetological Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (81. oldal)
[...] reconstruction of the museum after 1956 They attended many memorable collecting [...]
1138. Korsós, Z.: History of the Herpetological Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (82. oldal)
[...] which was also destroyed in 1956 He wrote many educational papers [...]
1140. Merkl, O., Grabant, A. , Makra, Sz. , Peregovits, L. ; Soltész, Z.: Complete list of papers published in the Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici between 1903 and 2007 (157. oldal)
[...] Volume 48 Series nova 7 1956 Date of publication 31 December 1956 Editor I BOROS Publisher Művelt [...] és Ismeretterjesztő Kiadó SZÉKESSY V 1956 Zum hundertsten Geburtstage des ungarischen [...] history of science SZATALA Ö 1956 Prodrome de la flore lichénologique [...] 50 Subject botany GUIGNOT F 1956 Dytiscides récoltés par le Dr [...]