Magyar Egyház, 1986 (65. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1986-01-01 / 1. szám

2. oldal MAGYAR EGYHÁZ THE LORD KNOWS THEM, THAT ARE HIS “Nevertheless, the foundation of the Lord standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knows them, that are his.” II. Tim. 2:19. In this epistle, Paul was handing over his commission as watchmen to TIMOTHY the young servant of the Lord. If people attacked the church from outside, the Lord shall enable them to defend the institution of our Savior, hut if internal dissention and ungodliness will bring dis­ruption, who shall stand? Paul went through many trials, hardships and persecu­tions, from the pagan enemies of God, but the most painful trial of his life was, when Christians from within the church turned against him. Paul, here in our text, speaking to Timothy is strong in his faith for he knows IN WHOM HE HAS BE­LIEVED! He said: “For I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righte­ousness, which the Lord shall give me at that last day!” Courage is necessary for the people of God. Whatever trials and persecutions you may encounter, have faith in the Lord and you will conquer all the enemies. Stand fast, and be unmovable in the Lord. Live in communion with your God and in His name you shall triumph. “THE FOUNDATION OF GOD STANDS SECURE.” I. As we meditate upon this text, we can sense, that the apostle had many enemies, who tried to undermine his work, and faithful service in the Lord. Otherwise, why was it necessary for Paul to mention, the names of godless, rootless, false prophets and teachers? Why did he warn his young follower Timothy that he should never fall into the trap of Hymenaeus and Filetus and others? Or if you read further in the Bible, you come across the name of Demos and Alexander, who had done much evil to under­mine the work of the apostle___ Yes, the dying Paul realized, the pain and suffering, caused by rootless and godless people and he lifted up his voice to Timothy to warn him about the wickedness of those, who hinder the work of the followers of the Lord. Instead of hindering you should help to promote the kingdom of God in our midst. There is a definite coldness in many churches. We can read from the book of Revela­tion about the church in Laodicea, that the members were neither cold, nor hot... This situation is a problem of many churches today, all over the world. Newer churches are springing up preaching one sided message from the Bible and they grow more rapidly, than all traditional churches put together: WHY? Because, their members carry their zeal and enthusiasm from door to door, from village to village, and one nation to another. Unless our churches and members will be filled with such zeal and enthusiasm we will suffer tremendous losses in the future, because of the coldness and indifference of many. The problem is, that the foundation is weak. There is no solid ground, under the feet of families because they do not place their trust in the Lord. II. The consolation is, that when the earth shakes and the mountains move and the oceans roar, and everything MAGYAR EGYHÁZ JANUARY-FEBRUAY, 1986 VOL. 65, NO. 1 Published bi-monthly. Editor-in-Chief: RT. REV. DEZSŐ ABRAHAM, Bishop Editors: THE REV. STEFAN TOROK and THE REV. GABOR NITSCH 331 Kirkland Place, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 175 Pershing Avenue, Carteret, NJ 07008 Business Manager: THE REV. GABOR NITSCH 175 Pershing Avenue, Carteret, NJ 07008 Office of Publication: I. H. Printing Co., 205 Hamilton St., New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Second Class Postage Paid at Lebanon, New Jersey Subscription: $6.00 yearly, Group: $4.00 Postmaster; Send Form 3579 to Business Manager Address Corrections: M-B Services, Inc. P. O. BOX 555 Lebanon, NJ 08833 seems to be changing in our world, “THE FOUNDATION OF GOD STANDS SECURE!” How wonderful it is to have a firm rock-foundation, is known only if we have gone through the devastation experience of a flood. When water surrounds you and everything crumbles, as if they were toys, and suddenly you realize, you can escape the destruction by going on higher ground and placing your feet on solid rock. What is this foundation, that stands secure? It is the truth of God. When Paul spoke to he pagans and Jews, to the Romans and Greeks, He did not speak his own philosophy, his mission was to proclaim the truth of God. This made it possible for his teaching to survive centuries. False prophets always tried to divert the people from the Savior, but they were cut off by God and their teach­ings were silenced. We have the same problems today. Some try to prove, that Jesus was not the son of God that he is not divine, but such efforts are in vain, for their memory will be blotted out forever. Oppositions to the Lord were raised; bibles were con­fiscated and burned, people who confessed their faith, died at the stakes, but the word of God stood for ever, and it shall stand forever. III. The last part of our text reads: “HAVING THIS SEAL, THE LORD KNOWETH THEM, THAT ARE HIS.” This figurative speech indicates the cornerstone as if there would be a seal, and inscription: “THE LORD KNOWS THEM, THAT ARE HIS!” The custom of etching and engravings on the corner­stones is ancient. Archeologists tell us, that the pharaohs engraved impressions of their royal crest on each brick. So the Lord knows them, that are his: “by their fruits shall ye know them!” Does God know you, Are you identified by his royal markings?

