Calvin Synod Herald, 1982 (82. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1982-02-01 / 1. szám

CALVIN SYNOD HERALD — 2 — REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA CALVIN SYNOD HERALD Official Organ of the Calvin Synod, Conference of the United Church of Christ. Dr. John Butosi, Bishop 963 Laurel Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. 06604 Telephone: (203) 368-3658 MANAGING EDITOR: Paul Kantor 601-611 Plum Street Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077 Telephone: (216) 352-4836, 357-5203 PUBLISHING OFFICE: Classic Printing Corp. 9527 Madison Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44102 Telephone: (216) 631-3626 Published bi-monthly Individual Subscription $5.00 Group Subscription $3.50 yearly Postmaster send 3579 Form for change of address to 601-611 Plum St., Fairport Harbor, OH 44077 Second Class postage paid at Painesville, Ohio ISSN 0161-6900 REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA A Kálvin Egyházkerület (United Church of Christ) hivatalos folyóirata. Dr. Bütösi János, püspök 963 Laurel Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. 06604 Telefon: (203)368-3658 ÜGYVEZETŐ SZERKESZTŐ: Kántor Pál 601-611 PlumSt., Fairport Harbor, OH 44077 Telefon: (216) 352-4836,357-5203 KIADÓ HIVATAL: Classic Printing Corp. 9527 Madison Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44102 Telefon: (216) 631-3626 Megjelenik kéthavonként Egyéni előfizetés $5.00 évente Csoportos előfizetés $3.50 évente A nem kért kéziratokat bélyeggel ellátott vá­laszborítékok csatolásával küldjük csak vissza. Fényképet nem őrzünk meg. Minden levelezést az ÜGYVEZETŐ SZERKESZTŐ címére ké­rünk. CALVIN SYNOD NEWS HEART LUNG UNIT SUNDAY At its last meeting, the Conference Council designated Valentine Day, February 14, 1982 as “Heart-Lung Unit Sunday” asking our congrega­tions to support this worthy cause by using the special envelopes prepared for the occasion. As many of you know the heart-lung unit pro­ject started in 1960 when the Synod accepted a resolution to use the Church World Service con­tributions for this cause. Hungary did not have any of these machines and Mr. William Köteles, President of PEMCO, Inc. which developed and manufactured these units, was willing to make his own sacrifice if the Synod was willing to under­write part of the $20,000 purchase price. We col­lected $6,000 which was matched by the Church World Service of the denomination, and the first heart-lung machine was presented to church and medical officials in Budapest on Oct. 7, 1961. It was hailed as a great humanitarian act, and we know that the machine was a “miracle” for many Hungarian persons... Three more machines followed the first one in a short period of time. In 1967 when the Reformed Church in Hungary celebrated the 400th anni­versary, two machines were presented, one in Budapest and the other one in Debrecen. Then, we crossed the border and sent one heart-lung unit to Romania with the request that it should be placed in Marosvásárhely, Transylvania... For his outstanding achievements and sacri­fices, the Synod honored Bill Köteles at its 1969 annual meeting, and encouraged him to continue this ministry trying to send one machine to Czechoslovakia as well... He could not do this as yet, but he has been sending needed parts ever since... And now he is asked to send a new machine, replacing the one in Budapest (Orvos­továbbképző Intézet Szívsebészeti Osztály). The cost of the new machine is $32,806.00, and Mr. Köteles is ready to take the lion share of the ex­penses... We are asked to do our best! The two Cleveland churches are already doing their best: the First Church sent $10,000 for the project, and the West Side Church is paying for the Ice Maker unit ($740.00). Now it is up to us, the rest of the Synod... MARCH 21 is designated by the United Church of Christ as the Sunday for One Great Hour of Sharing. IN DETROIT the church building of the Hun­garian Reformed Church was sold and the con­gregation meets jointly with the members of the First Lutheran Church. The Rev. Joseph Szirmai is the pastor. IN McKEESPORT, PA urban renewal will take place at the location of our church, where Dr. Eva M. Fabian is the minister. DEATHS: Mrs. Jenő Végh (Adrienne Gárdo­nyi) was called for eternal rest on November 18th in Washingtin, D.C.; The Rev. Géza Kúr, who at one time was teaching at the Seminary of Losonc and was instrumental in sending young graduates from Sárospatak to serve in Czechoslovakia died in Warren, Ohio on December 23rd, where he spend the last decades of his life. Mrs. Kálmán Konrád, the mother of the Rev. Arthur Ludwig died on January 17th. Mrs. Sámuel Horváth (Bertha Dokus) was called for eternal rest on January 27th. VACANCIES: Homestead, PA and Kala­mazoo, MI are still vacant. Inquiries may be sent to the bishop’s office at Bridgeport, CT. CALVIN SYNOD HERALD — Presently the managing editor is Paul Kántor (601-611 Plum Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077), but the Synod will elect a permanent editor in April. Those wishing to be considered for the post should send their application to Dr. John Butosi before April 1, 1982. CONVALESCING: The wife of the Rev. Imre Szabó had a very serious stroke in Argentina. Let is keep her in our prayers. COMING EVENTS: Our Chicago-Lynwood church will celebrate its 70th anniversary under the leadership of its pastor, the Rev. Victor Orth. — The Synodical Council will meet in Pittsburgh, PA February 15-16. — The Calvin Synod will meet in Ligonier, PA April 19-21. — Information about the Summer Youth Camp (August 1-21) will be mailed soon. IN THIS ISSUE The Transplanted Church ........................ 3 — 6 A study by William A. Nyerges Interview with Rev. Farkas........................ 7 — 8 NCC News............................................................ 8 EBBEN A SZAMBAN Végtisztességtétel .............................................. 9 Beiktatás Flinten ............................................... 11 “Mózes” első könyve.......................................... 13 Levelekre válaszolunk ...................................... 15 LIFE BEGINS AT SEVENTY Psalm 90:10. “Threescore years and ten." Between the ages of 70 and 83 Commodore Vander­bilt added about 100 millions to his fortune. Kant at 74 wrote his Anthropology, Metaphysics of Ethics, and Strife of the Faculties. Tintoretto at 74 painted the vast Paradise, a canvas 74 feet by 30. Verdi at 74 produced his master-piece, Otelló; at 80, Falstaff, and at 85 the famous Ave Maria, Stabat Mater, and Te Deum. Lamarck at 78 completed his great zoological work, The Natural History of the Invertebrates. Oliver Wendell Holmes at 79 wrote Over the Teacups. Cato at 80 began the study of Greek. Goethe at 80 completed Faust. Tennyson at 83 wrote Crossing the Bar. Titian at 98 painted his historic picture of the Battle of Lepanto. — The Golden Book

