Calvin Synod Herald, 2000 (101. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2000-01-01 / 1-2. szám

CALVIN SYNOD HERALD 3 New Year’s Greeting “Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless His name; Proclaim good tid­ings of His salvation from day to day. Tell of His glory to the nations, His wonderful deed among all the peoples.” (Psalm 96:1-NASB) Unlike any other new-year, the year 2000 was ushered in with much uncertainty (a la Y2K) and fanfare. In retrospect none of the fearful portents materialized. Reflecting upon world wide coverage of the New Year’s celebrations, one dear sister in Christ remarked that even the weather was uncan­nily calm and peaceful. Truly, the hand of God continues to move and guide human affairs. Appropriately the adage still holds true; “man proposes and God disposes.” For as long as His church is on earth, as long as His Holy Spirit is loosed upon every Christian heart, as long as we continue to bear witness of His salvation in Jesus Christ, God will maintain His people under all circumstances. “God causes-all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) So we are thankful that human blunders have not turned tragic, that God is and always will be in control of human his­tory regardless of intention, and so orders nature itself to serve His holy will. He has manifested His power and glory in cre­ation, His image in us, and His exact representation in Jesus Christ. He has infused us by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to bring about the fruits of righteousness, justice, mercy, and peace. He enables us to be the salt and light of the world as we carry out our responsibilities to be our brother’s keeper by proclaiming the gospel of grace in word and action. Therefore, let us sing a new song unto the Lord for all of His love, faithfulness, and kindness shown us every day. And let us recommit ourselves to a new obedience by the renew­ing of our mind, in all the dedicated work of our hand, so that the blessing of God may fall upon us as gentle rain. Let us take comfort in the knowledge that “our God reigns” and will never leave us alone, but be with us, “even unto the end of the age.” May God grant all of us a blessed New Year. □ Louis Medgyesi Bishop /----------------------------------------------------­Pilgrimage Ten Rules For Worship I. Thou shalt not come to Service late, Nor for the “Amen” fail to wait. So long I have been guided by thy power Up many a tangled path and stony hill, And now, dear Lord, through this strange darkened hour Be with me still. II. When speaks the organ’s sweet refrain, Thy noisy tongue thou shalt restrain. III. But when the hymns are sounded out, Thou shalt lift thy voice and shout. Be with me for the way is long and lonely, I am bewildered, and I cannot see, But, Lord, I shall not be afraid if only You walk with me. If I can ever keep recalling The darkened roads I traveled in the pasi, How, after You long guarded me from falling, Light shone at last: Then surely, Lord, I can go forward knowing That somewhere on the hills the light will dawn, And I shall reach it safely if, in going, You still lead on. V. Grace Noll Crowell IV And when the anthem thou shalt hear, Thy sticky throat thou shalt not clear. V The endmost seat thou shalt leave free, For more must share the pew with thee. VI. The offering plate thou shalt not fear, But give thine uttermost with cheer. VII. Thou shalt the minister give heed, Nor blame him when thou’rt disagreed. VIII. Unto thy neighbor shalt thou bend and, if a stranger, make a friend. IX. Thou shalt in every way be kind, Compassionate, and of tender mind. X . And so, by all thy spirit’s grace, Thou shalt show God within this place. J (Listed on a plaque in an old English Church)

